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Once the two had appeared in Olympus, Normani felt taller, she was now similar height comparison as the real world, Dinah was still in her God form so she was quite confused.

"Your form is beautiful." Dinah complimented and Normani gave her a confused look.

Normani looked into the stream that trails through the mountain and seen her new appearance.

"Woah." She uttered and Dinah laughed, it was less than what she expected from the girl.

"You'll change back when we leave Olympus." Dinah tells her. "For now, let's go get married." They began to travel.

Normani admired the vast of mountain and all of its features. As they wandered to the destination Dinah wants them, Zeus appears.

"Dinah, who is this?" He eyes trail over Normani.

"My soon to be wife uncle." Dinah pulled Normani closer to herself.

"Uncle?" Normani questioned.

"This is Zeus." Dinah introduced.

"What are you girl?" Zeus questioned and Normani rose an eyebrow.

"I'm a woman." She sassed and Dinah couldn't help but to smile, for her fiancee to sass the most powerful God without any hint of fear or hesitation, it was very amusing.

"Oh?" Zeus eyebrows knotted.

"I would prefer you address me as a woman, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be addressed as boy." She crossed her arms.

"Control your-"

"Don't finish that sentence, it'll anger me and I do not wish to feel that emotion today. We'll be on our way." Dinah allowed Normani to walk ahead before giving her uncle a small bow and trailing behind the smaller girl.

They were in total contrast, Dinah had more of warm colored tones within her appearance and Normani had cool colors with the addition of yellow. She had a small aura that glowed around her which was relatively from the fact that she is the goddess of magic. Dinah had only fire softly burning on some of the accessories located simultaneously on her body as well as head. When they finally arrived, Normani noticed the waterfall from the stream immediately, it glistened so beautifully it felt like a dream. Dinah interlocked their hands and levitated them up to the top of the waterfall where it is revealed to be a giant lake with a lady in the middle. They had no idea what she was doing but Dinah landed on the platform that Hera had stood just a few meters from and a larger smile replaces her facial expression.

"Aunt Hera." Dinah called and Hera turns to see who calls and her face brightens as well.

"Zagreus, hello darling." Hera glides to the pair and Dinah takes Hera hand and bows her forehead onto the back of the hand as a gesture of fondness.

Hera was like Dinah's second mother, after the rumor had sparked about Zagreus' birth, Persephone and Hera had decided to coparent since they didn't know if she is truly Zeus' or Hades'.

"This is the woman I'm going to be marrying." Dinah introduced.

"Isis? Must've been reincarnated." Hera offers her hands to Normani which whom she accepts.

"Your beauty is very under appreciated." She mentions causing Hera to smile.

"I appreciate that lovely, are you two here for me to wed you?" Hera wondered.

"If you will, I want the whole of Olympus to know that she is mine and only mine." Dinah tells her and Normani giggles while Hera raises her eyebrows.

"Didn't take you as the possessive type." Hera joins Normani on her laughter.

"I mean look at her." Dinah nervously laughed and Normani laid her head on Dinah's arm.

"Alright lovelies, when I tell you two to bind your love and marriage, with a kiss of course, do so." Hera did some weird gestures and all they could do is admire the ceremony.

Many of the Gods had watched from afar because it would be punishable if you were to interrupt Hera during any of her ceremonies without invitation to do so. As they watched, they see that it is Zagreus who is being wed and it was Kehlani who had appeared—after Dinah and Normani had sealed their marriage, fate and love with a kiss—to jump on Dinah.

"You are married!" Kehlani announced the obvious which then made Ella appear.

"Congrats cuzzo." Ella gave Dinah a fist bump and Dinah just shakes her head at the duo.

"Your God forms are cool." Normani tells Kehlani and Ella who gave her a smile.

"Oh my Gods, thank you. The only woman to appreciate my looks is Aphrodite." Kehlani flicked her hair with an anime boy laugh.

Ella and Dinah pulled the same face.

"Anyways, thank you as well and congrats on the marriage." Ella gave Normani a nod.

"Ares." Hera called.

"Mother!" Kehlani shrieks and hugs her happily.

"Such a Mama's boy." Ella shakes her head.

"So is Dinah." Normani points out.

"Hey!" Dinah frowned.

"Madam, what is your human name?" Normani questioned the eldest woman.

"Angelina, Angelina Jolie if you will and my husband name is Johnny Depp." She answered.

"Well Johnny is a dick." Normani muttered.

"Tell me about it." Hera laughed.

"I just remembered that Camila wedding is starting soon, can we go back?" Normani turned to her wife.

"Of course." Dinah gave her a nod and gave her family a signal of goodbye which they returned before her and Normani had vanished back to the real world.

Changing into something more appealing and not too much to take attention away from the groom and bride, they walked in and took their place next to Camila and Lauren who turned to their sibling with a confused look. The priest continued to speak and soon enough it was time for them to kiss which they do. It wasn't short but it wasn't quick either, it was honestly a perfect kiss especially for a wedding.

"Let's run away." Normani whispered to Camila who gave her a daring smirk.

That immediately wasn't a good sign for the two Gods whom they married, before they could react to their knowing gaze at each other, the two girls took off running with a laughing fit trailing along with them. Dinah and Lauren gave each other an irritated look, but they also expected it because they are sisters.

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