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"So you've gotten to see your God form?" Camila asked, genuinely curious.

"Yes, it was quite pretty, I also met Dinah's aunt and she was so nice and pretty as well. Dinah's uncle or dad, I'm not sure is a dick though." Normani explained her experience in Olympus.

"Calling the King of Gods a dick, I'm loving this new you." Camila teases and Normani blushed but looked away.

"I didn't change." She crossed her arms and Camila just laughs.

"I'm happy you're here, like I can't imagine how different things would be if we were separated." Camila looks down, Normani hugs her with a bright smile.

"Who's the one changing now?" Normani teases this time causing Camila to laugh.

"Did you two really had to run away?" Lauren appeared making them split a part.

"Dear sister, it's because it's what us humans do- well I'm not exactly human anymore but you know what I mean." Normani began to

"Maybe that explains why you don't have periods, I'm so jealous." Camila jokes and Dinah eyebrows rose.

"What's a period?" She wonders and the sisters bust out into fits of laughter.

Lauren looks at Dinah with a shrug.

"Nevermind that, why did you two choose to have a woman's appearance even though you two are equipped with something that you stick in women." Camila questioned the two and the Gods blushed.

"Well, I didn't wanna look like a man, women are too beautiful." Dinah scratched the back of her neck nervously.

"Such a romantic." Normani wrapped her arms around Dinah's waist and laid her head on Dinah's chest.

"Can't you choose your height?" Camila asked, noting how short Lauren is compared to Dinah.

"It's the same with you humans." Lauren answered this time and Camila nodded in understanding.

"Hmm, makes sense I guess." Normani muttered as Dinah rocked them back and forth.

"Marriage was a success!" Megan appeared scaring the four. "Sorry, but now that you two have finally gotten a wife, kids will be next!" Megan squealed in excitement.

"Can we at least wait a month?" Lauren sighs and Megan shrugs.

"Take as long as you need, get to know how to please your woman before you go wild." Megan winks and they all blushed.

"I'm going to go take a nap." Normani excused herself before going to Dinah's room.

"I didn't scare her off did I?" Megan wondered feeling guilty.

"Well no, we don't know if Normani can even have any kids." Camila reveals causing all their jaws to drop.

"She can't?" Dinah felt her heartbreak slightly.

"Well like I mentioned before, she never had her period so I don't know if she's fertile and I don't know if it's different for you Gods." Camila informed.

"Well yes, us Gods don't have periods since we live for eternity and we would never reach menopause. I don't know how it fully works but we are fertile, well we can also become non-fertile but that's rare...only one way to find out." Megan hinted and Dinah blushed deeply.

"Huh- now?!?" She jumped at the forwardness of her mother's suggestion.

"Gotta be sure Dinah." Megan tilts her head and Dinah sighs.

She makes her way to Normani room and upon arrival, she sees Normani curled up on her bed. It broke her heart so she immediately joined her with a hug to comfort her wife.

"You okay?" Dinah pecked Normani's temple.

"I just feel like I'm going to disappoint you all when I can't get pregnant." Normani sniffled.

"Normani you have my whole heart, I can never be disappointed." Dinah told her wife truthfully.

"You are so amazing, how did I get so lucky?" Normani cuddled more into Dinah.

"I gotten luckier in my opinion." Dinah smiles softly and Normani lock their eyes.

"Such a romantic." She pecks Dinah's cheek.

"Can you blame me? I want you to be the happiest person in the world and if I have to go through hell to make that happen then so be it." Dinah leans her forehead against Normani's.

They connect their lips once more, longer and more passionate this time. Normani pulled away and bit her lip before locking eyes with Dinah.

"To complete our wedding, we need to seal the deal." Normani played with the ring on Dinah's finger nervously as Dinah eyes widened, well now was surely her chance.

"Let's take it slow, okay?" Dinah cupped Normani's face.

"Okay." Normani nods, her eyes flickering from Dinah's lips and eyes then to the open door. "The door." She ushered and Dinah turns around then turns back to Normani.

"Right." Dinah stood up and closed the door.

"Wanna go watch the sunset?" Lauren turns to Camila who gives her wife a soft smile then nods.

Lauren picks her up bridal style and quickly gets them to the roof of the castle. Camila gotten herself comfortable and Lauren joins her.

"There's a war coming soon." Lauren reveals and Camila eyes widened.

"Then why is Dinah trying to put a child in my sister?" Camila questioned.

"I don't make the rules, I barely follow them." Lauren half-jokingly states and Camila shakes her head.

"I hope this doesn't bring stress to Normani if she does get pregnant." She sighs and Lauren takes the time to look at her wife.

"You're here, I'll think she'll be fine." Lauren remarks and Camila lock eyes with her.

"I hope so, but Dinah is stealing her heart." Camila mutters and Lauren nods.

"Let's not worry about them anymore." She smirks, Camila can see a hint of sinister flooding into her eyes.

Camila bites her lips and looks away.

"What should I worry about then?" Camila eyes fluttered back to look Lauren in her now darken green eyes.

"What do you want Camila?" She rose an eyebrow.

"A new nickname." Camila teases, that caused Lauren to chuckle.

"Alright then...Camz, what else?" She questions.

"That was fast, new too so I like it. Um...maybe we too can also complete our wedding ceremony." Camila trailed her hands up her legs and Lauren watched, the smirk widening on her lips.

"I like that idea." Lauren holds her hand and Camila interlocks them to feel her being lifted and placed onto the taller girls lap as their lips began to dance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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