Fragile VI

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Fragile VI

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Sam frowned, his brown eyes flickering between the two of us. I couldn't blame him for being suspicious. The only other person he's met from me was Benny and...well, Benny was Benny.

I sighed, dropping the glass I had picked up right onto the table, earning a glare from the bartender. I smirked at him for a moment before I cleared my throat and gestured towards Castiel. "Castiel, meet Sam. He's my brother. Sam, this is Castiel. He's my..." My what? What was Castiel to me? Besides the random stranger I met at the bar?

"I'm a friend," Castiel filled in, sticking his hand out for a handshake and appearing as angelic as ever. Sam eyed him curiously.

"I wasn't aware he had friends."

"What're you talking about? You met Benny." The look he gave me in response made me shut my mouth.

Castiel smiled gently. "Yes, well, we just met. I'm still debating on leaving or not." I sputtered, Sam laughing out loud at the response.

"Well I can always use another friend if you decide to leave."

"I'll remember that."

"I'm right here, assholes," I muttered under my breath, stiffening slightly when they both turned towards me. Okay, nevermind. Keep ignoring me.

"Is it okay if I give you my number?" Sam asked suddenly, glaring at me when I groaned. Castiel just smiled wider, nodding.

"Of course."

And just like that, Sam managed to infiltrate another person. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, but it got Sam to leave and I couldn't help but sag in relief.


"I don't get what the big deal is. He seems nice."

"Of course you'd think that."

Castiel gave me an enigmatic smile before hopping into the chair across from me, his eyes staring into mine for a moment before he finally spoke again.

"'re seeing a therapist?"

I groaned, letting my forehead fall on the table. Of course he heard that part. Why wouldn't he have heard it? I shook my head, wishing the ground could just swallow me up already.

"What? Am I supposed to pretend that I didn't hear that?"

"That's usually what normal people do, yeah."

I heard him chuckle. "Never said I was normal."

"Touche," I muttered, tilting my head up to peek at him. His blue eyes were sparkling in amusement, the left corner of his mouth tilted up ever so slightly. He was enjoying this, and not in a cruel mocking way, but in a 'it's funny you're embarrassed about this' kind of way. I sighed, sitting up straighter. "It was Sam's idea. He thought if I 'talked' it out that it'd help."

"And has it?"

I shrugged, staring off to the side. "Why would I want to talk to a stranger about my problems?"

He was smiling now, slowly raising his glass to his lips. "Aren't you talking to me?"

I scoffed. "That's different and you know it."

He hummed thoughtfully, both of us sitting in silence for a moment as he sipped his water. "You know...I used to see a therapist," Castiel mentioned offhandedly. He raised a brow when my eyes widened in surprise. "What?"

"Nothing. I just...I figured between the two of you, Gabriel would've been the one to see a therapist."

He snorted, leaning forward in his seat. "Gabe? In therapy? I don't think there's enough money in the world." His lips tilted up in amusement. "I'm actually surprised Sam found one for you."

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