Fragile VIII

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"Sam doesn't want to move."

John frowned, his dark eyes flickering away from his half packed suitcase to me. "What?"

I fidgeted uncomfortably. "He says he just made friends and that this isn't fair."

"Life isn't fair," John spat bitterly and I swallowed, clenching my fists.

"He really doesn't want to leave, Dad."

"And? Is he going to work to pay for the roof over our heads?" he snapped, taking a step towards me. I stiffened, my eyes flickering towards his hands. "I told you guys not to make any friends. Friends are only temporary, Dean. Remember that. And if Sam has a problem with it-"

"He won't," I said instantly and he stared at me for a moment, his eyes flickering between my green ones before he finally looked away.

"Good. Now go finish packing."

Benny didn't blink an eye when I arrived at his doorstep with blood dripping from my fingers. He didn't even ask what had happened, he just merely gestured for me to head inside and went to his bathroom to grab his first aid kit.

It was a gesture that I was extremely grateful for.

That was the thing about Benny. He wasn't nosey. He didn't care if I was having a shit day or if I just murdered someone. All he saw was that I needed help and he responded to it. It one of the reasons why we were such good friends. There was no judgment between us. It was what I wished I had with Sam.

What I wished I had with Castiel.

I was too unstable right now to deal with the questions. I was too on edge to see the look of disappointment in their eyes. I needed someone who understood me, someone who knew what it was like to lose control.

"Well? You gonna stand there all day or are you gonna take a seat?" Benny asked, heading towards the kitchen. I blinked back into reality and tried not to step on the articles of clothing he had thrown across the floor as I quickly followed behind.

"Thanks for doing this on such short notice," I mumbled.

He rolled his eyes, threading the string through the needle with ease. "Yeah, well, I didn't want you using this as an excuse to call in tomorrow." My lips twitched in amusement.

"When have I ever taken a sick day?"

"There's a first for everything." He said, and I winced when he poked too hard.

He clicked his tongue. "You know, for a guy who likes to inflict pain on himself, you sure are a pansy."

"You really think I did this myself?"

He shrugged, eyes still focused on my hand. "Just because I didn't point them out doesn't mean that I didn't notice." I stiffened. "I'd offer you some alcohol to help but..." He trailed off pointedly. 

I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry, I can handle it."

"Right, right," he murmured, lips twitching in amusement. I huffed, choosing to stare at the wall behind his head instead. It wasn't worth the argument. He could believe what he wanted, just like Sam could believe what he wanted once he got a call from the therapist saying he won't be taking me as a client anymore.

I couldn't wait for that conversation.

"You worrying about your brother?" Benny asked suddenly, disrupting me from my thoughts. I raised a brow.

"How did you-"

"Lucky guess," he shrugged, peeking up at me. "I still think you give him too much control over your life."

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