Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Just over two months later

Diana swings a sword as she parries a blow from another of the training demigods, she throws her weight forward and off balances her opponent, she spins and aims the sword at his throat but stops short of actually hurting him. He smiles up at her and nods. From the edge of the training ring, Athena appears worried as she watches Diana. Artemis appears at her side, the two gods whispering to one another before Athena nods. She knows what needs to be done.

"Diana" Athena states, Diana looks at her. "Time for some tea" Diana frowns a little and glances at her watch, it's not even close to the time they would usually have tea together but she is slightly achy and could use a break to see the twins. She spins the sword in her hand and then walks towards Athena.


"Hey" Diana greets the twins as she moves to where they are playing on a mat, the nanny Athena hired bows slightly before leaving her to her children. Diana touches Ezra's cheek and smiles. The twins are now chubby little three-month-old babies and Diana assumes they are happy, they make happy noises, they sleep well, feed well, play with their toys. They like people. The more people that fuss over them the better, well, more so Veronica then Ezra, but it's a promising sign that they are going to grow into well adjusted little people. Diana leans up from where they are playing and moves to the table to join Artemis and Athena.

"Diana..." Athena starts and takes Diana's hand on the table as Artemis serves the three of them some tea. Diana pulls the honey pot closer to pour some into her mug. She loves the tea these two goddesses serve, but it needs something sweeter to boost it out of severe bitterness. "Silas has been released" Athena admits. "That is why the Fates arrived this morning. They came to warn us, to tell us what happened...."

"Why would the Fates warn you about some 2,000-year-old witch?" Diana asks as she licks a spot of honey from her finger.

"Because Silas should never have been allowed to be released" Artemis admits. "On a scale of Hestia to Ares.....Silas is closer to Ares..." Athena nods in agreement. "Who do you think gave Qetsiyah the spell she needed in the first place?"

"You two?" Diana asks.

"Hecate" Athena corrects. "She has a fondness for witches and their craft, and when she saw how hurt Qetsiyah was by Silas' betrayal, she felt the needed to interfere....and has continued to interfere for generations....including your dear beloved Bonnie"

"Bonnie?" Diana asks and then realises. "Is a descendant of Qetsiyah" She voices, Athena nods.

"Hecate and Persephone are close, and both interact with the souls of the deceased, Hecate prefers the souls of dead witches and as such...has a certain sway over them"

"Jeremy" Diana realises. "When Bonnie brought him back...."

"Was only because Hecate persuaded the dead witches to allow it...they weren't happy about it but knowing that Jeremy was related to the descendant of the Gods helped...." Diana lets out a breath.

"So you want me to what? Go back and I stop Silas?" Diana asks. "After leaving? I can't do that....I can't go back" Athena and Artemis share a look, Artemis nodding slightly. Athena takes a breath and turns back to Diana.

"There is something else we must inform you of" Athena admits. "It's Jeremy" Athena adds. "I am so sorry, my dear" She whispers, Diana looks at her and seems to figure it out. Tears gather in her eyes.

"No" She whispers. "No, no...."

"Silas" Athena starts. "He killed Jeremy upon being released...." Athena grabs Diana as she falls to her knees from her seat, Athena herself getting upset seeing her blood break down like this. She's already lost so much. So many people that she loves. Athena strokes her hair and kisses her head trying to comfort her. The last time Athena saw her like this, was when she had to inform Diana that her parents were dead. And it is just as heartbreaking witnessing it the second time around. Diana pulls back and looks at the two goddesses with her.

"Silas has to pay, he has to die...." Diana tells them through her tears. "Tell me what to do, tell me how to kill him....."

"Not yet" Artemis offers. "You are not ready for what is to come...." She adds. "Preparations must be made....truths is time you learn your real duty"

"Hunting vampires?" Diana asks them, Athena shakes her head.

"No" Athena admits. "You have a deeper duty, a blood's time you learn about the Monoliths and the role they are to play in what is is time you discover what your mother should have told you long ago...." Athena stands from her seat. "Bring the twins, this is for them too" She then turns and leaves the room. Artemis sighs a little and looks at Diana. 

"Forgive her." Artemis offers. "Penelope should have informed you of this, it should have been her, but yet another burden of blood has fallen on Athena, and she cares so much for you that every time she must break things to you, it hurts her." Diana looks down a little. "Athena loves you as if you are her own child, Diana, the way we all saw her love Angel, and she sees so much of him in you that when you cry, when your heart breaks....she feels every crack." Diana looks at her. "She hurts for you, for every hardship you have faced, and the ones still to come" Artemis gives her a small smile. Diana takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. 

"If I go back....I will die?" Diana asks and then opens her eyes. Artemis doesn't need to voice her answer, Diana can read it all over her face. 

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