Chapter Twenty-One

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"Have you all had your fill of the babies?" Diana asks waiting for them to stop fussing over her children, even if deep down she actually likes seeing them like this. Caroline sits on the couch, still holding Ezra. Elena remains standing next to Jeremy who now holds Veronica. "Can we go back to the vampire hunter?"

"Not yet" Damon answers. "It's my turn" he states then makes grabby hands at Jeremy who glances at Diana who nods a little. Damon takes Veronica from Jeremy and looks down at the little girl. "Okay, floor's yours, Watchdog" Diana sighs a little and shoots him a look. "What's going on?" he asks her.

"This hunter....Connor" She starts and takes a breath. "He.....has some very impressive, very important, very invisible tattoos" Diana explains. "These tattoos expand every time he kills a vampire....and creates a special map" Diana then turns slightly. "I take it you met Professor Shane?" Diana asks and looks at Bonnie. "I wouldn't trust him..."

"Why? He seems nice enough...." Bonnie argues.

"He is the one that sent Connor to Mystic Falls" Diana counters. "Whilst I was drawing that stupid tattoo for Klaus I poked around a bit...Shane's part of this....I just don't know why, he never told Connor much...just enough to keep him interested and complacent"

"So we can assume that whatever Connor is actually what Shane wants" Jeremy offers, Diana nods.

"This tattoo map leads to...?" Caroline asks, Diana and Stefan share a look, he shakes his head.

"To the cure" Diana answers, Stefan groans. "A cure for vampirism"

"What?" Damon asks her, she nods. "Klaus told you that there is a cure?"

"No" Diana answers. "I already knew"

"And you never thought to tell us?" Elena asks her.

"I thought it was just some story" Diana defends. "The same way I thought the Five were just a story, until I saw Connor's tattoos....that's when I realised the cure was real too and I am telling you now..." Elena huffs a little.

"So Shane and Connor are working together to find the cure?" Derek asks.

"Yes...." Diana offers. "Shane wants Connor to complete his tattoos" She adds. "Means that Shane is after the destination...means Shane is after the cure" She frowns. "But that doesn't make sense...." She whispers and looks down at the Aramaic story book on the table. "Greater evil" Diana whispers staring at the book. "It's not the cure..." She frowns a little. "It's...Silas"

"Who the hell is Silas?" Damon asks her. She picks up the book and opens it up.

"There is a story, a legend..." she finds the page she wants. "One of those with hidden meaning...and whatever" She touches the page. "This story is from 2,000 years ago, back in the times of Ancient Greece where there were these witches and warlocks called the Travellers. This story describes one called Silas."

"So he's a storybook character?" Damon counters. "How does that help us?"

"Because they're not just stories" She defends. "It's history....Look Silas was promised to be wed to another witch and they wanted to live together forever" She mocks slightly. "So she made an immortality elixir, one for him, and one for her....but he betrayed her. Turns out Silas couldn't keep his dick in his pants and had a side piece....who he actually gave the immortality elixir to, when his bride to be discovered this she got mad, which is..." Diana shrugs. "Fair enough. So she gave Silas a choice, take the cure and live a nice normal human life with her, or remain immortal"

"Some choice" Damon teases, Diana snorts.

"He chose immortality, so she locked him away on island, all alone, with the cure....forever"

"The map leads to the cure, so it leads to Silas..." Stefan offers.

"Shane wants to release Silas" Diana points out. "He has no need of the cure, but....." She lets out a breath. "That must mean that he knew Pastor Young..." Diana frowns at her phone and then answers it. "Klaus?" she asks, the other shoot her a weird look, but she gets it, she still finds it weird that he keeps contacting her. Her face then drops. "How the hell did Connor escape?" She asks and moves away from her 'friends'.

"I'd blame my numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me, you're going to help me." Klaus counters.

"Well, he could be anywhere now." She points out.

"Think, Diana. He took the hybrid's head which means he wants werewolf toxin."

"Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to kill vampires." She finishes with a sigh.

"Which is a pity, as I'm half the world away digging up a dead hunter, you'll have no access to my blood and therefore, the antidote. Nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure, so your task is quite simple; find him, catch him, and above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us dead."

"Damon's been looking everywhere for him, if they cross paths...." Diana warns.

"You'll need to keep Damon in check."

"Be a lot easier if I could just tell him the truth." Diana offers.

"You trust Damon with the cure? I imagine he prefers Elena the way she is."

"Nice try, Klaus. But I trust Damon a hell of a lot more than I trust you." Diana points out, Damon smirks and touches his chest, Diana glares at him.

"And I trust no one. Which is why my sister is lying daggered in a box. The more who find out about the cure, the more who will go after it. Nations have gone to war over less. You mark my words, tell one soul and I will throw the hunter's sword in the Mediterranean and we can end this quest right now. Am I understood?" Diana says nothing and hangs up her phone. She growls slightly, her eyes turning black.

"Di?" Elena asks seeing her sister's changing mood.

"Connor is loose" Diana answers turning back to them. "And he took a hybrid head which means he is after the venom" She sets her phone on the table and opens a box next to it, she pulls out the vial of Klaus' blood. "This is all I have left" She points out. "Probably one...maybe two doses..." she shakes the vial.

"We'll search the town" Damon offers and motions for the others to get started, Jeremy sets Veronica into her basket. "Find him before he does something stupid"

"I'll stay with the twins" Caroline tells Diana. "So you can go help" Diana nods a little and turns to watch her friends.

"And whatever you do" Diana stops them. "No one kill him, we need him alive"

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