Chapter Two

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- Also need a good face claim for Artemis, as Connie is now Athena. I am thinking of including both women at some point in this book. Ideas welcome. 

Diana moves across the apartment, Derek's eyes following her just as Alaric's ghost does. Neither man is happy about what is happening here.

"Diana" Alaric scolds her, but falls on deaf ears. "You can't be serious....they're a day old and you're leaving them with Derek?"

"This is ridiculous" Derek scolds, Alaric nods in agreement. "You're supposed to be bonding, not running off and doing.....where are you doing exactly?"

"Out" Diana answers.

"Oh thank you, that fills me in completely" Derek counters and moves towards the twins. "What did you decide on anyway?" Derek asks leaning over the baskets to watch the twins.

"About what?" Diana counters as she pulls on her jacket.

"Names" He explains.

"Oh, I haven't..."

"You haven't even named them yet?!" Derek asks surprised.

"No, naming children tends to be something parents do....together" Diana argues motioning with her fingers. "That was the plan, only...Ric's dead, Derek, he's dead, so I have to do this...aaaallll by myself" Alaric watches her sadly. "So names"

"You don't have any ideas for names at all?" Derek asks her softly, she sighs. "You and Ric didn't..."

"Yes, a list of names that I now hate" Diana admits, interrupting him. "I hate all of them...." she sighs and shakes her head. "I'll be back later...." Derek gives her a look. "I have to do this" Diana tells him. "I feel it, in my bones, I have to put this right"

"Put what right?" Derek asks.

"Everything" She answers and then leaves before he can stop her. Derek stares at the door.

"Wish you were here, Ric, talk some sense into your woman" Derek admits, Alaric hums in agreement and nods before he disappears.


Meredith is walking down the hallway at the hospital and Pastor Young and some deputies approach her. She stops.

"Pastor Young! To what do we owe the honor? And don't tell me it's your blood pressure again."

"Honestly, Dr. Fell, I wish it were." Pastor Young states as Diana walks towards them.

"Diana?" Meredith asks her. "What are you doing here?" Diana turns to the deputies behind Pastor Young.

"The blood bank's in the basement." She tells them. "One of you sweep the rooms. There's a vampire here"

"What are you doing?" Meredith asks Diana.

"Adding a few security measures." Pastor Young answers instead. "The blood in this place has a habit of flying off the shelves."

"Who gave you that authority?" Meredith scolds.

"I did" Diana answers. "As the new leader of the Council" Meredith stares at her. "I've entrusted Pastor Young to secure the town"

"Why are you doing this?" Meredith asks Diana. "You know what this means....."

"I no longer have any conflicting interests." Diana answers. "My children's lasting safety is my main priority, and that means we purge this town of any and all supernatural elements" Meredith shakes her head because she knows this is not Diana, this is a broken Diana, a grieving Diana who's heart has been soiled by pain. "I am finally doing my duty as a Hunter of Artemis, something I should have done, a long time ago" She turns and walks away from Meredith, passing by a ghost Alaric who frowns at her. Meredith stares after her.

"Alaric Saltzman told us everything, Meredith." Pastor Young adds. "Probably time to start looking for a new job." Pastor Young leaves a shocked Meredith standing there. She scrambles to pull her cell phone out of her pocket and dials.

"Damon, we have a problem, call me back" Meredith snaps into the phone and then hangs up.


At the Lockwood Mansion; an officer is handcuffing Carol Lockwood. Pastor Young is standing nearby with Diana.

"What's going on?" The officer starts to lead Carol out of her house.

"We just need to ask you a few questions about your son." Pastor Young answers.

"Diana?" Carol asks her, Diana raises an eyebrow back at her before turning and walking away. "You can't arrest me! I'm the Mayor of this town!"

"Not anymore, you're not." Pastor Young corrects.


In the town square, Liz Forbes has just gotten out of her patrol car and is walking to the police station. Diana stops her.

"Sorry, Liz, you're not going to work today," Diana tells her.

"What are you talking about?" Liz asks as the deputies surround the two of them. "What's going on?"

"They're taking your badge. You're not fit to protect us anymore." Pastor Young admits approaching the two of them.

"You have no idea what you're up against," Liz warns.

"On the contrary, Liz, I've already taken your deputies, I have the aid of the demigoddess" Pastor Young motions to Diana. "We've got the entire town's supply of vervain, including the stash found in the Salvatore house. We're making our move."

"Diana?" Liz asks her. "What are you doing?"

"My duty" Diana answers.


Caroline is about to leave her house when her phone starts ringing. She answers it.

"Mom, hey!" Caroline greets. 

"Caroline, where are you? And tell me it's far away." Liz begs of her daughter.

"Where am I? Uh...Good question. Uh...there's just a whole lot of boring highways. Why, is everything okay?" Caroline leaves the house. She goes to lock the front door when she sees Diana's reflection, Caroline turns to her and lets out a relieved breath. "Diana" She greets. Liz starts shouting down the phone. "I tried calling you earlier...I'm so sorry"

"It's okay" Diana assures her softly, but there is a new hardness in her eyes. "Shit happens" Diana then holds up a can of mace and sprays it into Caroline's eyes, she screams as her skin burns. Diana then stabs a shot of vervain into Caroline's neck. She drops her phone and Liz hears the commotion.

"Caroline!" She yells down the phone. Diana hums as she walks away, a deputy passing her to collect Caroline. For a moment, Diana's crystal around her neck glows and her eyes flicker black. She smirks to herself.

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