// two hours and fifteen minutes //

46 3 0

"Let's introduce ourselves." He said with a grin. I looked at him for him to continue. "Since we're going to be in here for a long time." He tilted his head to the side while staring at me. I noticed that his eyes were ocean blue,tinted with a bit of grey; they were awfully beautiful.

 "I'm Arianna." I started off first. "I'm nineteen and live with my friend. My birthday is on January 2nd. My life is not that much interesting. I have a best friend since I was small. That's it, I guess." He smiled sweetly at me. "At least you got a beautiful name." I looked down at my tangled fingers to cover my red cheeks. He chuckled at my behavior. "My name's Niall Horan. I'm from Mullingar, Ireland." He said. "Ah, explains the accent.", I cut him off. "I'm twenty-one. I live here with my cousin and my friend." He continued. 


Like I said, the internet is slow. tomorrow's my birthday. i mean, Arianna's birthday.. (depends on your time-zone and that stuff) *catching the bags of attention you guys threw at me*

Eat cakes.. because cake is good.. and good is cake.. nuff said.

Izzah :)

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