// five hours and twenty minutes //

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I swear the room was getting hotter minute by minute. I took my jacket and sweatshirt off, revealing my 'Nirvana' shirt. Niall did the same but he kept his t-shirt on, which was written 'Free Hugs'. I couldn't stop smiling looking at it.

I was really sleepy and I guessed Niall noticed. He took my jacket and his and laid them on the floor. "Come here, you can sleep there." He pointed at my jacket.

I quickly shuffled with my knees and rested my body on the thin 'bed'. He imitated me next to me. I closed my eyes and let a sigh escaped from my mouth. Before I was about dozed off, I could hear he's singing a song softly. About a few minutes hearing his angelic voice, I finally went into a deep sleep.


Don't worry, the last chapter of hours and minutes. 

What food is related to voice ? maybe potatoes ? yeah, potatoes is good. MASHED POTATOES !

Izzah :)

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