// one hour and thirty minutes //

50 2 0

"I'm hungry." He said while holding his stomach. Mine too started to make whale's mating sound. He stood up and went scavenging for food. All he could find was a bar of Cadburry, a half emptied bottle of water and an unsealed chewing gum. He broke the chocolate into half and gave it to me. We ate it silently. "I miss Nando's." he said while looking at the chewing gum. He made a disgust face and threw it in the trash can. "Do not eat that." He motioned at the trash can. I smiled at him.


I did this really short on purpose. heheheh 

the internet is slow as hell. any advice on how to make it faster ?

Eat chocolates ! especially dark chocolate ones. they're my favourite.

Izzah :)

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