A Princess, Two Sins, and Two Demons!!

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Guild Hall ... 

Diane stomped around in frustration! 


You soon hear Diane, and go up to her, Elizabeth, Merlin, Melascula, and Derieri also join along!! 

(Y/N): Let me guess, Meliodas took your panties again? 

Diane: YES HE DID! 

Merlin: Typical of our Captain. Ugh. 

Derieri: Look, why don't we just take a walk, and a deep breather. I usually do that to cool myself off. 

Melascula: And yet something will come in to piss you off again. 

Derieri: Don't start Mela! 

Elizabeth: Why don't we all hold hands and just go and find a beach to walk across?! That can relax us! 

(Y/N): Yeah! Let's head over Fairy Hills, the beach over there will be a good walking spot!!

Later .... 

You guys remove your footwear, and begin walking along the sandy dunes of the Fairy Hills beach. 

Melascula: AH! I FEEL AT PEACE!! 

Derieri: Nothing to worry about! Just no stress whatsoever!! 100 percent, no stress!! So nice!! 

Merlin: Ah, the sand isn't even that hot! 

Diane: AAAAH! I agree!! 

Liz: See, what I mean? It's really nice. 

(Y/N): Yeah!

You guys soon find a good spot by the beach, and rest your feet in the water!! 

Diane: Finally, peace and quiet, no stupid Captain, and no problems whatsoever! 

Elizabeth: Finally, no groping. I'm glad to finally be at peace without Sir Meliodas bugging me. 


Merlin: And even better, no one else to bother ....

Merlin looks around. 

Merlin: Nevermind. 

(Y/N): Just don't think about it, and you should be fine Merlin. 

Later ...... 

You all are now drinking some fresh wine from the Guild Hall!! 

(Y/N): Ah this is tasty! Fresh wine from the Guild Hall! 

Derieri: Thank you for this moment (Y/N)! 

(Y/N): Anything for my girls!! 

Diane: TEE HEE! Now I can finally get that moment out of my head!! 

The girls begin kissing you everywhere on your face, and give you footsies! You kiss them back, and just enjoy the moment! 

(Y/N): I love you all so much!! 

Diane, Liz, Merlin, Melascula, Derieri: WE LOVE YOU TOO (Y/N)!!! 

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