Taokaka's Confession!!

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(Y/N): Is she waking up yet? 

Sanji: OH YES SHE IS!! She's so cute for a cat girl! 

Kamui and Kagura Y.: And you are an idiot. 

Taokaka opens up here eyes and begins observing her surroundings. 

Taokaka: UGH! Why am I here?! 

Erza: You need to talk now! Why are you here?! 

Taokaka: Well for two reasons! I was supposed to kill you all, as Mr. Kaido said, but well I failed right now. Now I don't get more shiny things! 

Natsu: HUH?! THAT'S WHY?! 

Taokaka: Yeah. It's a shame! 

(Y/N): Well, you can always come with us you know! Your skills could be used! 

Carla: Why should we trust her?! 

Happy and Millianna: Hey we need to look out for our fellow kitties! 

Kagura M.: That's your reason? 

Gray: I mean, she doesn't seem all that bad. 

(Y/N): Thank you guys! 

Yuffie: She should still learn to behave herself at least. 

Ayame: I agree. (pushing in glasses) If you behave and promise to be good! Then we'll let you in! 

Twilight: Do you know anything about Kaido's other plans? 

Taokaka: Nya! I sure do! I also wanted to meet you! 

She points at you! 

(Y/N): ME?! 

Taokaka: YEP! I'm a huge fan of you (Y/N)! And I always wanted to meet you! So I can make you my Man! You're so cute!! 

She gets on top of you, and then she begins to lick you everywhere! 

(Y/N): Wow, your licks are as good as Millianna's! 

You soon then feel Millianna purring against you! 

(Y/N): Okay I didn't see that coming. I actually have a- 

Taokaka: I know! You have a harem, and I accept!

Everyone: Well that was easy! 

(Y/N): Well .... then ....... welcome to the harem then. 

Taokaka: NYA YAY!!! 

She continues to likc you, and you just smile. 

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