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"Please don't tell my brother"

They were both having their breakfast.

Hoseok looked up from his plate. "It's my responsibility to inform him if anything happened"

Dahee shook her head, "It will serve no purpose"

"You can't decide it and anyway, Namjoon got a right to know" Hoseok declared, getting up and moving towards sink to wash his plate.

Dahee followed him.

"It would just make him worry across the ocean and nothing else."

"But I have to tell him" Hoseok stared hard at Dahee, telling her to back off.

Dahee returned his glare; she is not going to step down.

After few minutes of intense stare down, Dahee closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"See, I just don't want to worry my brother. We both know him, he will return in first flight back to Korea, dropping the concert in the middle. It will put his and Yoongi oppa's career in risk. I just don't want it to happen" Dahee looked at him with pleading eyes and then stared down at her fumbling fingers, a nervous habit of her.

"Besides, I have caused enough problems to him. I don't want to bother him further." She said in a small voice.

It was like there was no barrier between them anymore, the door of the dam was open and all her feelings, all the thoughts, rushed out with no filter.

Everything was bare, nothing hidden.

Hoseok eyes soften on hearing her words.

He tried to put his hand on her shoulder but retrieved it on the last second.

"Hey, don't say such things...you are not a bother to anyone"

Hoseok's soft concerned voice was like a soothing salve on Dahee's hurting heart, but she pushed it, thinking she didn't deserve his sympathy.

"But I am a bother. You can't change the truth. I am nothing but a bother to my brother, to Yoongi oppa and even to you"

"It is not the truth"

"It is the truth!" Dahee raised her voice, her eyes gleaming with unshed tears.


"I have became pathetic...I can't even go out and buy a fucking toothpaste! I can't even touch you!" Dahee cried.

Hoseok eyes widen after hearing her last sentence. Maybe if she...

"Atleast try..." Hoseok said hopefully.

She did say that she doesn't fear him, right?

Dahee looked at him with uncertainty.

"I can't..."

"Please try..."

Hoseok raised his palm towards her with a soft assuring smile, silently asking her to place her hand in his.

Dahee just stared at his offered hand but then after few minutes, she extended her with hesitation.

Their palms were about to touch, Hoseok gave her encouraging smile but Dahee snatched her hand at end moment effectively snatching off his smile.

She cradled her hand to her chest, protectively. Tears were now freely running down her face.

"No...I-I can't do this...forgive me..."

And she ran away, leaving behind a heartbroken Hoseok with his hand still stretched before him.

It pained him to see her in pain.

He doesn't know why...

But he felt connected with her somehow.

Maybe, it was the connection between a sufferer and a healer.

He is not sure.

'I shouldn't have rushed her', Hoseok mentally scolded himself.


The weekend passed without anymore incidences.

Dahee was ignoring him like a plague. She won't talk to him and whenever Hoseok tried to talk to her, she would go hide in her room but it wasn't like the door could stop him if he wanted to talk to her, considering how the lock was still broken.

He just chose to respect her privacy and choices, knowing she would talk to him when she wants to.

But Hoseok wanted to apologize to her. He tried multiple times but there was no success.

Even when Namjoon called them and asked if everything was alright, Hoseok respected Dahee's wishes and told him that everything was alright.

Dahee looked gratefully at him but before he could open his month to apologize, she ran away.

Hoseok wanted to apologize.

Real bad.

Now it was Monday morning and Hoseok was ready to leave for office. He saw Dahee sipping on her juice when he entered kitchen to prepare his coffee.

Their eyes made contact for few seconds Dahee averted her eyes. Hoseok wordlessly made his way to coffee making machine, he didn't wanted to push her by striking a conversation with her. It was a miracle itself that she was still in the same room with him after avoiding him whole weekend.

It was difficult for her and he knew how ashamed she felt of herself for her incapability caused by her phobia.

"Good morning"

Hoseok almost dropped his mug on hearing her voice, he didn't expect her to initiate any conversation but he still found himself smiling when he turned to look at her. He was just happy that they were on speaking terms again.

Dahee held her head low while playing with her fingers in her lap.

"I just wanted to remind you of my appointment with my counselor at 3.30 pm" She continued still looking down but then finally looked up when she didn't receive any answer.

"I remember. I'll take you there so be ready by 3" Hoseok smiled warmly at her.

For a second, Dahee found herself enchanted by his smile but then she blinked and returned the smile that naturally came to her lips.

Hoseok's smile widened if it was even possible.

Hoseok sat down with his coffee, savoring the bitter sweet taste. Dahee just sat opposite him with her empty plate, sneaking few discreet glances at him.

It was as if she just saw him for the first time.

What is this?

What is this feeling?

Hoseok caught her looking at him, 'She must be still feeling nervous around me' he thought. He kept his empty mug on the table and cleared his throat to gain her attention.

She looked at him with slightly widen eyes like she was caught doing something she shouldn't.

"Dahee, I wanted to apologize for the other day" Hoseok begun slowly.

Understanding downed on Dahee and she shook her head "You don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault. You were only trying to help me."

"No Dahee, I shouldn't have forced you to do something you weren't ready for"

"It's alright, Hoseok. You weren't fully aware of my situation and my limits. You shouldn't blame yourself for trying to help me."

"If so, would you still allow me to help you?" Hoseok asked hopefully.

And Dahee once again found herself entrapped in his painfully hopeful eyes.

How can someone's eyes hold so much hope?

"If you want to..." Dahee answered still mesmerized by his eyes.

"Thank you"

No it's me who should be thankful...

Is anyone even reading this? 😅

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