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Namjoon's blood was boiling with anger and betrayal, as he aggressively yank open his car door and slammed it behind him with no care in world. He stormed into the building entrance and got into the elevator. The agonizingly slow uniform speed of elevator wasn't helping his bad temper. He jabbed his finger onto the number keypad again and again in anger; thankfully there was no one else in the elevator with him.

How can he do this? How can he betray me in this way? I trusted him...

Namjoon rang the door bell impatiently and Hoseok opened the door after few minutes. He smiled finding Namjoon at his door step, "Hey, Namjoon! Wha-" He was rudely cut off mid-sentence when a strong fist connected his jaw. Hoseok staggered backward due to the force of the blow.

"What was this for?!" Hoseok asked dumbfounded, looking at Namjoon with shocked eyes, gingerly touching his already bruising skin. He flinched at the touch, retreating his hand from it. His jaw throbbed like nothing else.

"YOU ARE ASKING ME WHAT WAS THIS FOR? WHY DON'T YOU ASK YOURSELF, ASSHOLE!" Namjoon yelled, raising his fist to throw another blow at him but Hoseok caught it mid air and pushed Namjoon away from him.

"CAN'T YOU JUST TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG RATHER THAN BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" Hoseok screamed at him, totally pissed off now.

"SHE'S PREGNANT! SHE'S PREGNANT! YOU GOT HER PREGNANT! YOU DUMBFUCK!" Namjoon hollered at the top of his lungs, unable to contain his anger, he paced back-and-fro before Hoseok trying to contain his anger in vain.

Hoseok gaped at Namjoon, all his previous anger gone with puff. A giddy feeling entered his heart, warming his chest, "She is pregnant with my child?" Hoseok whispered to himself, unable to hold the smile that spread on his lips.

Namjoon turned to look at Hoseok, his eyes filled with hurt, "How can you do this, Hoseok? How can you do this to me, to Dahee after everything that happened?" His voice painful and Hoseok felt guilty for betraying his friend's trust. "How can you take advantage of Dahee?"

Hoseok's eyes snapped at him, "Advantage?" Hoseok asked in disbelief "I didn't take any advantage of her, Namjoon. You have to belief me" Hoseok pleaded.

"You are asking me to believe you now after you broke my trust" Namjoon laughed at Hoseok's audacity.

"Namjoon, I know I broke your trust but please believe me on this. I could never take advantage of her. I love -" Hoseok stopped when Namjoon jerked him upward with his collar and sneered down at him.

"Don't you dare say you love her! She isn't ready for this!" Namjoon's eyes shot fire at Hoseok.

"Oppa!" They both turned towards the new voice. Dahee was standing before them with Yoongi behind her.


"What are you doing here?"

They said at the same time. Hoseok pulled away from Namjoon and started walking towards Dahee but Namjoon stopped him, "Don't" Namjoon stalked towards and took a hold of her arm. "Why did you bring her here?" The question was aimed at Yoongi.

"Namjoon, hear them out" Yoongi said calmly.

"No" Namjoon refrain from listening to him.

"Namjoon" Yoongi warned in a strain voice.

Namjoon wanted to defy Yoongi but he succumbed under his gaze and loosens his hold on Dahee. She gave him an apologetic look before going into Hoseok's awaiting arms.

Hoseok kissed her forehead, "Are you really pregnant?" He asked nervously.

Dahee nodded, "Yes" Then she took his palm and pressed it lightly on her abdomen, on her navel.

Hoseok gave her his widest smile ever. They both were beaming at each other.

Namjoon watched their interaction with a scowl plastered on his face, he tried to move so that he can separate them but Yoongi firmly placed his hand on his shoulder, effectively stopping him.

"Let them be" Yoongi asserted.

"You can't think this is right. Remember what Therapist said? It would take her years to be in a relation. This is just too fast. It's too good to be real." Namjoon baffled, his concerns shining through his words.

"Time has its own definition for right timing. For some it takes years and for some a bit lesser. Let's just allow time to do the healing its own way." Yoongi said nodding towards the happy couple.

Namjoon turned and looked at the embracing couple, they just looked so happy and at peace in each other's arm. Who was he to disturb their tranquility?

"And really, isn't it better that it's Hoseok rather than some completely unknown stranger?" Yoongi said and Namjoon can't help but agree in his mind as he doesn't allow himself to say it out loud.

If this is what that makes his baby sister happy then he would accept Hoseok but with the baby on its way they better get married and that too soon, Namjoon thought.

Oblivious of everything else and fully entrance by their own little world, Hoseok and Dahee were finally able to hold eachother close without any fear and for them, it meant everything. Also, with the news of a little someone being on their way to complete the beautiful picture of their family, Hoseok and Dahee were over the moon to say the least.

Her hope, his hope, their hope world.


So, this is the end.
Hope you all enjoy this small journey of hope overcoming fear.
The people who have supported this book by reading, voting and commenting, thank you so much💕
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