After end they continue
Bliss forbid they halt
Cry unheard they walk
Die in lone they do
Ever woeful dusk they stare
Flying kites they wish
Grunting shore they heed
Howling wolf they find
Iron fist they punch
Jar of hearts they shatters
Kind smiles lie weary
Living dead they do
Maskot on they wander
Nasty mouth but of reason
Omen, they don't care
Play of unwanted emotions
Quivering lips they awaits
Raging voice in travail
Sobbing chimes they dances
Tasting tears they do
Underneath blanket oh see
Violin of melancholy cry
When did you look for them? did you even?
Xylophones, piece of piercing pain
You, do you know them?
Zero halos, thousand horns