[20] Claire

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Kayla was distant the entire first week back at school, and I couldn't say I didn't understand why. This was the first time we'd had a real break from each other since we'd left, but in our time apart, she wasn't really talking to other people. I'd noticed before that she didn't really talk to other people ever, though it stuck out to me a little more now. She'd pass me in the halls with the ghost of a smile, her eyes landing on mine for less than a second, and then she'd avert every ounce of her attention like she couldn't stand having anyone see that she'd acknowledged me. I honestly thought her behavior was more obvious now, considering ninety percent of our time had been spent together since freshman year, but maybe that was because I was dying for things to be the way they'd always been. I wasn't exactly used to those practically nonexistent moments being the only interaction between us, and especially not when it lasted for as long as it did.

I didn't ask any questions or push her for any answers about it. She was always complaining about getting grilled by her mother, so I knew that doing the same thing would only force her further away from me, and that was kind of the last thing I wanted. I just needed to give her the space she was clearly craving and she would come back in due time.

The beginning of the second week back from break proved that to me when I opened my locker and found a folded up piece of paper sitting on top of my books. There was a big heart drawn on one side with a C in the middle. A smile slipped onto my lips because I already knew who it was from. I couldn't open up the note fast enough. I'd been dying from her radio silence.


Good morning, my love! I just wanted to tell you that you look radiant today and that I love those jeans on you. I hope today is better than yesterday and every day before it. I can't wait to see you later and kiss you the second we're alone. I love you way past the moon.



I could tell I was blushing as I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and opened up the messages between Kayla and me. She'd never called me that—or any other pet name for that matter—but this one was probably the cutest thing she could've started with.

You're the best girlfriend ever. I love you so much and I will definitely repay you for this later. My day is already better than it was yesterday, thanks to you, I typed out and snapped a picture of the note, then sent the whole thing to her. I wasn't sure how she knew what jeans I was wearing or that I was even wearing any to begin with, but the compliment made me light up. However, I wasn't going to admit that part of my happiness came from the fact that the compliment had basically been about my ass. I'd just show her how grateful I was later.

Within seconds, she texted me back, Already looking forward to it, along with a winky face.

In that case, I think waiting until you're done with practice will be far too much. Meet me in the bathroom by the cafeteria at ten? Neither of us said a word about the previous week and I didn't tempt myself with the thought of bringing it up.

It's a date.

I beamed at my phone, kind of shocked that she'd agreed to doing something so dangerous with me, and put it back into my pocket, hoping the next two hours of my life would fly by. The idea of meeting up like this at school had always simultaneously seemed so nerve-wracking and incredibly exciting, but we'd never dared to do it before. There was something about hoping to God that no one would catch me making out with my secret girlfriend that did wonders on the butterflies in my stomach. They made it impossible to ever feel like I'd gotten enough of her.

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