chapter 6

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Urvi couldn't believe her eyes. Is he really who he's claiming to be? For real? Lord Krishna? How could this be possible. Am I dead? What the hell is happening? Where is Dr. Cooper?

Urvi(mumbled)- I think I am going to faint. (And then she fainted).

An hour passed before she gets consciousness. Again that beautiful god was there seating on a golden stool near her bed.

He gave her a glass of water in a golden tumbler. She drank thirstily.

He smiled.

Urvi-Are you real Lord Krishna? Am I dead?

Krishna- No, you're not dead. And yes I'm real.

Urvi(flabbergasted)- How is this possible? How is... What am I ... What happened...

She wasn't able to complete her sentence.

Urvi- Dr. Cooper?

Lord Krishna- He has completed his work, and I have given him Salvation. He's now peacefully in my Vaikunthdham.

Urvi- You mean he's... (She choked on her words) he's... D.. dead .. ??? She cried. He died because of my foolish persistence. I was hellbound in finding the mystery of this Bermuda triangle and now he's gone just because of me. Oh god!!!! She cried and cried and cried.

Lord Krishna(wiping her tears)- no it wasn't your fault Urvi.  It was his Prārabdh, his fate. He will always look at you and bless from there. But unlike him yours fate is here.

Urvi- What?! How did I come here? I was in North Atlantic Ocean. Caught in the brutal grasp of Bermuda triangle.

Lord Krishna- Oh right. You were caught in the tides and currents of 'Vismayādi Trikon'. It really is a mystery. You were caught in the fabric of time present inside it and was thrown to Dvāpara yuga, the third yuga.

Urvi was looking at him open-mouthed.

Urvi- so this time traveling is a real thing (muttered to herself). Stephen Hawking was right about it.
But how can my calculations be wrong about the weather. All those equipments.. how can they not see the coming of the storm. (She looked at Lord Krishna for guidance).

He smiled.

Lord Krishna- it's as simple as that. It was the full moon night. And the moon has its effect on it. You are an Indian by birth.. Lunar calendar... ? No... And you call yourself a scientist? (He chuckled).

Urvi(looking sheepishly at him) - sorry, Lord Krishna.

Lord Krishna- Govind. I'm Govind to my friends. And you are my Sakhi, like my little sister.

Urvi- Friends? Really?! (Exclaimed like a delighted child).  But Govind, how can Dr. Cooper in your Vaikunthdham? He's an American?

Govind(laughing)- Every single person in this cosmic Universe is my child Urvi. I am the preserver of this Universe.

Urvi- Why am here Govind? I still can't believe it all this is happening to me. I am the most atheist person you would find in the world. I even don't believe in God, myths, mythology. And I am in .... (She choked)... Am in the Era of Mahabharat.. ???!!!

Govind ( with a faint smile)- Yes!

Urvi- I want to go home. Please send me back. The era of Mahabharat is the Era of destructions, battles and blood. I don't have any work here. You are going to do all things... You're the 'Dharma-samsthapak', you are here to protect your devotees, you're are here to annihilate the miscreants and demons. I have no work here. Why?
Govind- Supriya!!! (Supriya- the most beloved one)

When she heard that name her dreams flashed back to her. But it wasn't the voice.

Govind- Supriye Urvi ! Well, you had worshipped me a lot on your previous birth and asked for a boon( a vardaan) from me. There is some particular person who would be your better half for all your birth. And since he is not going to be borne in Kalyug, you are dragged back to the time where he is.


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