Chapter 1

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I'm Kytrena Samuels and I hate my life more than anything. My father died in a car accident when I was eight. I live with my mom and step father but they both hate me because I'm a reminder of my father. I just finished packing for our move to Washington for my step dad's new job. I know once their the step terrors Kimmy and Jay will make instant friends that'll torture me right along side them.

The drive from Montana to Washington was way too long for my liking. Sat in a cramped car for hours just to get somewhere that probably won't feel like home. Watching the woods whip by thinking what it would be like to be a fish in the sea. Always free to come and go without fear of their own family along with actually having a home. Our new house is a two story home in the suburbs of some seaside town but of course we are as far as you can be from the sea in this town.

I get out and look around at the other houses and find them similar to ours. Realizing the sea is nowhere to be seen from here. I turn and begin grabbing what little is mine and make my way inside. Looking around the house noticing how nice it looks I can't help wondering if I'm in the basement or some other spot that's out of sight.

"Hey fatty, you're blocking the way. Move now." My mother chimes in from behind me and I look down while moving not saying a word knowing it's useless to talk to them. She grabs me roughly not saying a word as we make our way up some steps to a small room on the second floor.

"Here the pig pen, enjoy." She says while shoving me in and walking off to greet the mover that just pulled up. I start to put my box and bags in the corner before going down to get my mattress. A mover carried it up to my room and asked if there was a frame so I made up a lie of why I don't have one. I pushed the small twin mattress in a corner and ran down to get the last two boxes from the car.

I get them upstairs without dropping one amazingly but once in the small room it's hard to believe how little I actually have compared to them. I unpack and hangup all my clothes that can be while the rest sit on the top shelf. Looking out the windows in the room I can see only woods but it comforts me a little. The realtor who showed my mom and step-dad Matthew the place stopped to see how we were settling in.

"Oh sweety this is a storage room. Not a bedroom but that's ok I'll show you a bedroom." He said to me as I was looking out the window making me whip around finding him and Matt coming up behind him. I got scared knowing I had to have a great lie or Matt will lay in to me good later.

"I really liked the view of the woods from here and mom said it was fine as long as it was what I wanted." I manage to say without stuttering and with a convincing smile. Matt raised a brow at me while he glared over the man's shoulder at me.

"Ah I see well you may want a bed and desk combo in here so you don't lose too much room." He said smiling back, seeming convinced by my words before walking with Matt to find mom. I breathed out a sigh before shutting my door and realized that it had no lock for the inside, only one for the outside. I got my comforter out of its bag and put it along with my pillow putting them on my bed. Looking at my room it was practically empty, just a mattress and some books on mermaids. That's pretty much it besides my alarm clock and phone.

School starts tomorrow and I can't help but to worry about how many new bullies I will have by the end of the day. When dinner time comes I'm told to shower and go to bed because I have eaten more than enough food today so I won't need dinner. I lay awake for a while listening to them laugh and chat downstairs but after a few hours the house was quiet. Listening to the crickets and frogs outside I drift off to sleep with no nightmares for once.

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