Chapter 13

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I woke up before the sun came up because of movement somewhere in the house. Listening closely I can hear Matt's truck start up and leave as someone shuts the front door before the footsteps head to the kitchen. I stay awake listening to the noises of who I assume is mom in the kitchen starting breakfast for the others but Matt who left early today. I changed into clean clothes as the sun was coming up finally painting the clear sky different hues of pink, orange, and gold making it very pretty.

I was not looking forward to going to school and having a new schedule without Leo on it. Quick steps can be heard coming my way and I stand up ready to face whatever was about to be thrown at me. Mom comes in with my phone in hand and her usual sour face as she stands there arms crossed.

"I will ask you once and if you lie will never leave this house again. Understand?" Her tone was ice cold and steady while I tried hard not to shiver at it. I nod that I understand. " Good. Who were you talking to last night?" The question made me tense as she put my phone in her back jean pocket leaving her hands free. I was secretly happy that I changed Zach's name and deleted his text.

"I was talking with Elizabeth from school about art class and what she chose to draw." I say evenly while trying to maintain my composure so she doesn't know I'm lying. She gets closer, dropping her arms to her side and the look in her eye's said she didn't believe me.

"If that's true then give me the password so I can check it." She never takes her eyes from mine as she says it but I just shake my no while taking a step back. A mistake I instantly regretted when her hands shot out wrapping my forearms like vise grips and her nails started digging on drawing blood.

"I told you the truth I promise please let go.'' I cry out while struggling to get free and I don't know if she's really strong or I'm just weak but calls it did was make her nails cut deeper along with her hands to squeeze tighter.

" You lie just like that cursed man you call a father. Now give me the password or never leave this house again." She yells in my face while tightening her grip to the point it feels like my arms will break any second. I sob out okay before giving her the password being my father's favorite animal, the squid. She lets go of me and my arms are already bruising badly along with her finger tips and blood on them. The nail marks were small cuts that were bleeding and while she checks through my phone she has me go shower to get rid of the blood.

I finish my shower and put on a long sleeve shirt before going downstairs. Mom gives me my phone and a banana before telling me to start walking to school. I made them grateful for some food this morning and as I walked I debated whether to call Lyssa or not. I decide against texting her and just pick up the pace walking to school as I shovel down the banana.

I get to school just before the twins which is nice since it's because of them that I was forced to have a new schedule. I headed into the office and the lady gave me a smile before getting my schedule. I head out to the gym to find Lyssa not bothering to look at the paper that shows my new classes on it. I found Lyssa smiling like a cheshire cat and I instantly got suspicious that she did something bad.

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