Chapter 4

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"I'm Kytrena Samuels. Kim and Jay samuels are my step siblings." I say quickly before heading for the seat beside Lyssa and everyone but Lyssa, me and the teacher erupt in laughter. Seeing everyone laugh at me made me feel worse but the teacher looked annoyed with the laughter.

"Alright settle down. I'm Mr. Blackstone, your english teacher for this year. I'll go over this year's curriculum with you along with the books you'll need to read this year." Mr Blackstone says from the front of the room as class settles down and I can hear a soft sigh from some girls. I take notes on everything we'll be doing so I remember what needs to be done for this class. I lose focus off and on watching Mr Blackstone write on the board but I try to push the thought of how gorgeous he is and how soothing his voice is out of mind.

Class ends and I linger hoping that Kim would leave first with her new friends. Kim and her minions left first like I hoped so I got my stuff together but found that Lyssa was waiting for me. I glance up at Mr Blackstone before mouthing a sorry to Lyssa.

" You want to eat Lunch with me?" Lyssa chirps as we start to walk out and I can see Kim along with Jay heading to the cafeteria.

"I'm not hungry so I'll probably sit and study the map of the school." I give a crappy excuse and Lyssa nods before heading off to the cafeteria to eat. Wondering the halls, looking for a place to sit and hide for lunch break. I find a door that leads to a small sitting area outside and sit on a bench looking out at the woods while a breeze blows the ocean air through the leaves.

Hiding is the best way to avoid the step-terrors for a while at least but I still going home is inevitable as always. Shutting my eyes gives me enough focus to hear the waves faintly from the docks and it's soothing to hear the sea. I've always wondered why water in general makes me feel calm and almost at home.

"Hey Kyt, Lyssa said you weren't hungry and was worried you'd get lost looking for history." Zach says, making me jump terrified for a split second that it was someone else. Seeing that he scared me, he gave a sheepish grin with a mouthed sorry.

"It's ok I thought you were someone else and yeah I got lost looking for english. Lyssa seems like the type to always be worrying over people." I breath out a chuckle as I say it while he comes to sit next to me. He glances around real quick like he's worried someone may hear him before leaning in to whisper something to me.

"She is the world's worst worry wart especially with her friends." He whispered to me making us both burst out into laughter and it was amazing to laugh for once without fear. "She doesn't make too many friends but when she does. Oh man nothing will stop her from protecting them and making them smile." He chuckled out which surprised me since she seemed like the friendliest person I've met.

"I don't see how someone as nice as her could have a hard time making friends. I mean I bumped into her literally and she smiled and said we're friends now practically." I say shaking my head still confused by what he said.

"She can look at you once and get a sense of what kind of person you are. If she likes it she'll be your best friend and if not then she just goes about doing what she does. If that makes sense." He said tilting his head a little trying to word what he means and it made sense to me.

"I get it. She just gets a feeling and knows if someone is good or bad by the presence they have." I say before hearing the bell ring behind us.

"Come on, we got history. Oh and if it makes your first day any better you actually made two friends." He says getting up leading the way to class and it was nice to know that two people actually want to be friends with me. We walk quietly to class but when we get there I see Jay joking with some guys. Jay watches me come in with Zach and the smirk he gave told me I was screwed when we got home. Taking our seat my mind races to think what will happen later but no matter what I think it will probably be worse.

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