Chapter 9

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"Thanks for helping me up back there and sorry about the shirt Lyssa. I hope your brother doesn't get mad at you." I said as I checked the spot that the pocket was ripped from and at least you can't see my bra but it seems the top button also got ripped off.

"He won't mind it and you're welcome. Sorry about your lunch. Oh can I have your phone number?" Lyssa waves off the concern for the shirt seeming more upset by the loss of my lunch. I give her my number and watch as they both put my number in their phones before sending a short text to me with their names. I go to tell her it's fine about my lunch but get cut off by the bell.

"Don't forget you have detention with Mr. Blackstone and my older brother are getting your number too. Love ya bye." She giggles before jogging off to her class while we give a quick wave before heading to history. We walk in silence for a little bit before Zach speaks up.

"Why did he give you detention." He asks with a look like what the hell happened.

"I would have been on time but I saw Jay along with his friends so I took a detour. So I was late." I say sheepishly at the fact that I got lost trying to find my way to a class.

"Seriously don't those dicks have anything better to do than torment you. At least you have a shirt now and it looks good on ya. Light blue is your color girlie." Zach says as he starts to walk backwards making me giggle at his silliness.

"Yeah you think maybe I'll keep it." I joke, making him laugh then nod at me.

"You probably can for at least today and next time I'll walk you to english that way if Blackstone wants to give you detention I can tell him how wrong it is to give my friend detention." He joked as we got into class we took our seats both smiling at the banter we just had. I give a quick look around the room because I feel eyes on me and make eye contact with a death stare from Jay. Before I can dwell on it too much , class begins pulling my attention to the teacher.

Zach walks me to art joking about how Lyssa is probably worrying about me getting lost or something. I giggle some but I'm tense from the look Jay gave me earlier. Zach asks if I'm ok and I say yeah Jay was just glaring at me probably because of the shirt. I try not to worry him too much because if I do, Lyssa will worry too and that's not good.

Lyssa was waiting at the door for me and asked if I was still ok after the trip earlier but I see Kim smirking at me from the corner of my eye. I tell Lyssa that I'm fine and to chill out or she might pop a blood vessel. She laughed and told me ok but I have to text or call her later to chat. Which reminds me to give Zach a girl name in my phone and to delete his text to me.

The class flew by with us just picking something to draw and getting our sketch books for the year. Lyssa walks with me to music while we talk about a horror movie she wants to see. Once in music the feeling of Jay's glare was on me the entire time and it made me want to hide or run away. As soon as class ended Jay came up to me.

"Kim said you have detention so you'll be walking home got it, good." He said before walking off giving me no chance to talk back or ask anything. With a heavy sigh I get up and head for Blackstones class. I get there and his door is closed so I knock before gently opening the door.

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