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Our lives are compiled of choices.

Every step we make and opportunity we take fuse together in a wondrous dance of chance and fate.

Chance. The idea that we determine our own destiny, that life is simply a compilation of encounters brought on by luck or our own decisions. With Chance, we are free to invent our own trail, to grab our lives by the reigns and direct it where we will. At the same time, we are lost in a perpetual abyss void of purpose or hope that we have a destiny unique to us.

Fate. The idea that the course of our lives is predestined and out of the control of any one person's hands. With Fate, we are brought closer to beautiful people who will mean everything to us and are shown our unique purpose. At the same time, we cannot choose our paths or alter our character.

I've learned that life is not one or the other, but rather a combination of both chance and fate. Every choice therefore has a lasting impact and every moment is accompanied by the sparkling beauty of hope that fate promises, the hope that we each have a purpose and people who we are bound to meet.

All of this is negated, though, if we choose to waste our lives in hiding.

People hide for many reasons, but hiding ultimately keeps the most beautiful parts of life from being enjoyed. Hiding is necessary sometimes, but it can be detrimental.

Lucky for me, I had someone thrust into my life by both chance and fate that would not only teach me that I don't have to hide, but ironically learn the same principle from me.

Someone by the name of James Buchanan Barnes.

And I'd never be able to thank fate enough for bringing me him.

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