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-Hordak pov-

As me and Entrapta kiss I was attempting to take off her pants when the door slammed open.

It was Adora and glimmer in the rooms doorway. "Oh gosh..... Entrapta, Hordak !!!!" Yelled Glimmer. "What in the fuck is going on here!!!" Yelled Adora.

Entrapta got off of me turning red. "Wha... What are you two doing here at 4 in the morning." Entrapta yelled back rather nervous. "Oh and your telling us that when you were about to sleep with Hordak!" Yelled Adora.

I just stood there like an idiot next to Entrapta. Though I did think that if I said something Adora and Glimmer will kill me. " I think we have to settle this out side girls." Said Entrapta quietly.

Entrapta went arguing with Adora and Glimmer out in the laboratory without a shirt. It was quite weird doing nothing while they were fighting outside.

This went out for 10 minutes till I stepped in like I would of, if i was still the bad guy. But i was starting to regret it because Adora turned into Shera and Glimmer had her sparkle circle things around her hands.

That's when Bow arrived and shooted a an arrow with a balloon on top of us and the balloon popped. "Seriously guys. Why the heck are you arguing about. And why the hell does Entrapta not have a shirt on!!!!"

"Entrapta was about to sleep with Hordak" yelled Adora. "What!!!" Bow screamed. "I know" yelled Glimmer. "No,no,no,no that is not why I screamed the word 'what' in fact it was because... Why that the fuck would you guys come here and judge what she's doing at night with Hordak."

We all stayed quiet and to be surprised I actually kinda of liked his attitude. Bow continued his speech of rights towards me and Entrapta. "Entrapta is literally 24 years old. She is older than me and you guys. It is her choice if she wants to sleep with Hordak. No one is here to judge their rights"

Adora transformed back to her self. And Glimmer shut down her power.

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