Game p1

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(Guess what my friends!!! I decided to. Continue the story!!!!! Though I do not know if you guys want me to add lemon/smut. Wait....My sister is gonna do it...)

-Entrapta pov-

I opened my eyes hearing that hordak was calling my name, but to only wake up to imp sitting on my stomach. In fact he was mimicking Hordaks voice.

"What's wrong imp. " i said. Imp was about to say something hordak had said when I was in beast island but that was when Hordak bursted in running towards imp.

"What the hell imp." Hordak yelled. I just stared down at him as he was holding that little guy. But before Hordak could give him a lecture he flew away.

"Well that was unexpected. " I said casually. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to change. After I was done changing I went outside. "Hey, Hordak I was wondering if wanted to come with me on a meeting with the rest of the princesses." I said.

"Okay." He replied.

I nodded and we both went out side to my small laboratory. I turned on Emily since she had been updating, and told Hordak to get on top of Emily along with me. At first he hesitated, but then i told him that Emily had been upgraded to carry more than one person and to travel faster.


We arrived at Glimmer's place, and had a short meeting.

Hordak's POV

I was about to tell Entrapta if we could leave since the meeting was over but then Bow had to ruin it. "PEOPLE!!! MY FRIENDS!!!! who's wants to play Truth or dare!!!!" He said in his loud annoying voice.

"I don't know, Bow...." Adora said, only to be cut off by Wrong Hordak. "What's truth or dare?" He asked. Scorpia's eyes shinned. "Well...looks like today is your lucky day!!!!" She sang.

I mentally slapped my face and went to sit on the couch like every body else was. "Scorpia!!! Truth Or Dare!" Catra said. "Truth...." Scorpia answered. "Your such a chicken!!! How 'bout you change it into a dare. Besides I don't think any one has ideas to ask for you to answer with the truth." Catra whinnied.

Scorpia was about to protest when Adora said, "I dare you to kiss the person you like!!" Everyone was now interested, and shot a look at Scorpia. Scorpia blushed and stayed motionless.

"Pathetic, girl. Just do it." Mermista said with her ignorant voice. "O-okay....but only if you kiss the person you like." Scorpia said. Mermista sighed only to stand up and give sea Hawk a peck on the lips. (A/N okay.....idk what the hell I just did there..)

Sea Hawk's eyes formed heart shapes while, Mermista just rolled her eyes. "Your turn." Adora said with a smirk. She knew exactly who Scorpia liked. was obvious and everyone knew, except Purfuma. Scorpia stood up and asked she did so, Catra slipped her leg on the floor, so that Scorpia could trip.

This is gonna be so good!! Catra said. Scorpia then tripped and landed on top Perfuma. (A/N...........don't even ask.......) "Oh....sorry...." Scorpia said blushing. Purfuma just smiled and kissed her. Everyone stared in 'awe' except for me. I was just cringing out, by the scene that was playing in front of me.

Entrapta's POV

We played the rest of day, and to be honest, it was heck of a funny day.

Sea Hawk was dared to wear a dress, heals and red lip stick. {This was dared by Bow}

Adora had 3 smashed eggs over her head. Scorpia had to be the one to crack the eggs over her head, and of course, Scorpia apologized a million times. {Mermista was the one who wanted this to happen.}

Frosta ended up telling everyone an embarrassing moment, when she saw one of her lesson teachers making out with a guard. {Catra had this planned}

Adora and Glimmer had to be stuck in a closet, and pretend that they liked each other. Catra was NOT happy. {Hordak dared Adora to do it}

Finally I had to walk around the castle wearing Glimmer's clothes and crown. Micah was not HAPPY. He thought I was stilling. {Frosta dared me to do this.}

As me and Hordak were about to leave the place Bow and swift wing came up to us. "Guys!" He yelled. We turned around to face him. "What's up." I replied. "Come here next week. Glimmer and the rest of us are going to play a game of poker." He said with an evil smirk.

"Which kind." I asked. "Strip Poker, duh." Swift wing said. I don't even know why I seem surprised. And what surprised me even more, WAS THAT I AGREED!

"What's strip poker." Hordak asked. I stopped walking. "You'll be surprised." I said with a sinister smile. We both left to my house, prepared to what will wait us next week.

Bow's POV

I watched Hordak and Entrapta leave along with Imp and Emily. Glimmer than came up to me and I smiled. "Who the hell's idea was to play Strip poker." She said. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Ask Sea Hawk. He's a big of a pervert for Mermista." Glimmer laughed and we both headed inside her castle. Scorpia left for to have lunch with Purfuma leaving Wrong Hordak, staring stupidly at Adora and Catra cuddling.

Mermista left to her own castle with Sea Hawk, leaving a mess in the room we were playing at. Catra turned to face me and Glimmer. "Y'all be ready for next week's game. Cause, its gonna get CRAZY, just like all of you guys." She said.

Adora playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. "So,....we all agreed it was Bow's fault who made the mess." Adora said. Everyone who was in the room, looked at Adora and then at me. "Yeah, yeah," they said in agreement.

"WAIT WHAT!!!!" Bow yelled. Glimmer grabbed a broom and handed it to me. "Make sure to take out the trash after." Glimmer said, before sitting on the couch.

Authors note

Man....I'm so bad at this....I hope y'all liked this chapter!!!!! I dont even know what I'm thinking, but thanks.


Words read: 1042

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