Authors Note! {please dont skip}

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Hi it's me the Author my names mia! anyways back to business i wanted to address some stuff before we start! Read on,

This is my first story ever so go easy on me! but critique will be appreciated! Also I apologize if i break the fourth wall way too many times and if i use P.O.V. incorrectly i'm trying my best! i just want you guys (the readers) to enjoy my story!

I use the Bold and Italic text when i think it's necessary

This store consists of,
*unfortunately ron is single in this fic unless you guys have someone for him! please comment if you do!

There will be MULTIPLE spelling and grammatical errors some will consists of the potter verse spelling. I will do my best to spell and grammatically phrase things correctly!

I haven't mapped out my whole story just a few basics so here's some warnings,
This story may consist of,
homophobic slurs (will be tagged), cursing, update: a lot of cursing lol (won't be tagged lol sorry),
That should be all if you get a bit uncomfy with these this isn't the story for you, sorry.

Won't be in story,
Smut, Mpreg (sorry guys)

FINALLY here's some characters that are still alive,
-Fred Weasley (yes i know yay)

Oh i almost forgot lol i wanted to say this story was created bc i wanted to read "the perfect fanfic" and then i realized i had to make it so here's this!

Now! the story!! GO ON READ THE FIRST CHAPTER!!!

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