6. Groupchat

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Third Person P.O.V.
Everyone turned in their phones and a quiz popped up instantly. The first question was your name and all the others were just stuff about yourself. After the quiz everyone got their users and they were put into a group chat.
                                   Bad Bitches😎

Pans.Pansy: Your welcome the queen has chosen this groop charts name!
[An: group chat is misspelled on purpose]
Blue4oe: guess who✨
WeasleyKing: Malfoy?
Blue4oe🦋: correct and look i can add this emoji thingy to my name! ITS SO CUTEE
Pans.pansy💋: thank you dearest!
Scarface: wtf Malfoy did you corrupt my phone
Blue4oe🦋: HA ive been telling you all these years. anyways where's everyone else?
Scarface⚡️: uh i think ron is helping blaise
WeasleyKing👑: just finished helping blaise.
Blazing_Blaise🥵: i'm here my name is very fitting isn't it 😏
Pans.Pansy💋: oh shut it
Bookworm📖: i need to add the others give me a second.
Nev.ology🌿 has joined the chat
Milli_cent🔪 has joined the chat
Knott.you.Up😏 has joined the chat
Blue4oe🦋: THEO YOUR USER HA i can't stop laughing someone help me
Bookworm📖:i'll add Lucy and Isaac soon!
Puffy.Lucy💖 has joined the chat
nerdboy💡 has joined the chat
Bookworm📖: Ok you guys can make your own group chats now!
read 4:31

[203 words]
An: so i decided to add phones and messaging bc i can create cute and funny scenarios and it adds some flavor

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