11. Crush on Parkinson

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Hermione's P.O.V.
I woke up to find that i'm the last in the dorm. I cats a tempus and SHOOT i missed half the classes. What's gotten in me. I must've overslept. Why would i want to continue sleeping was it my dream? I think back to my dream and instantly curse myself for doing so.

Why has Parkinson corrupted my dreams. I can't believe i dreamed of dating Parkinson going on a date by the beach. What is happening. I'm falling for a slytherin A SLYTHERIN! I must've gone crazy.... a good crazy. I'm not going to lie to myself this crush i isn't such a bad thing. Parkinson is an exceptional young woman! She's unbelievably beautiful and she has good grades. Take that brain!!

What just happened. I didn't just argue with my brain. SHOOT CLASS. I rush into potions and sit in the only available seat. Next to Parkinson. I wonder why it reeks of the lipstick, mint, and rose perfume. I ask Parkinson what were brewing. She replies with amortentia. I smelled Parkinson's aroma in the cauldron.

Pansy's P.O.V.
I ask Granger what she smells and she blushes. Interesting.. I smell old books, Ink, and a faint smell of lavender. Shit i smelled Granger, great.

Somehow i got the courage to pull Granger aside after class and ask her out.

Granger!!! I shout. Wait up! I pull her away from her friends. Once we were alone i asked her.. Granger would you go on a date with me this Tuesday? She blushes and says a "I would love to". I can't stop smiling after hearing her response. I tell her to meet me at the room of requirements at 8. Before she walks off i whisper in her ear "You know, I smelled you in potions today". At that i walk back to my friends with a huge smile on my face.

I CANT BELIVE I DID THAT AND SHE SAID YES! Did someone accidentally give me a sip of a luck potion? Who knew dreams come true! Now i have to imagine the perfect place for the room of requirements to conjure up!

WAIT I DIDN'T HAVE AN OUTFIT PLANNED! WHAT DO I WEAR! WHAT COLOR! OMG MY HAIR! MY MAKEUP! I begin freaking out but thankfully i bump into Draco and i get distracted.

Draco's P.O.V.
I look at Pansy and see a huge smile on her face. Hey Pans. What's with the smile? She then proceeds to tell me about her date she has planned for the next day. WHAT THE HECKK PANSY GOT HER DATE BEFORE ME. I can't believe it. I owe her 5 galleons. I may have made a bet with her that i could get a date before her. Ugh who knew this would happen. I pass 5 galleons into her hands.

Soon i realize  that i'm alone. Where's Blaise? The next thing I know, I see Blaise kissing Longbottom. What is happening! Everyone's getting dates except me, i mentally sigh.  Your single, alone, and doesn't have 5 galleons. I realize it's a full moon on Friday. I plan to stargaze that night on the astronomy tower.

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An: I just realized there's a lot more Pansmione in this than Drarry and I PROMISE Drarry is coming soon (next chapter)! I just love pansmione so much! I'll try to dial the pansmione down if i can lol

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