10. Crush on Granger

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An: I SAW THIS PHOTO ON INSTA AND I LOVED IT AHH! I have a feeling you'll love it too! :)

Pansy's P.O.V.
I walk into Draco's dorm to find Dean and Seamus on top of each other. I run out practically screaming MERLIN HELP MY EYES. I run to Blaises dorm and that's when Blaise and Draco look at me like i'm satan.


Draco begins laughing hysterically while Blaise looks confused. I sit down on one of the beds and start telling them what is saw. After my story Blaise looks disturbed while Draco is still laughing. We begin our daily conversations.

So.. Do you guys fancy anyone? Immediately when i say those words their checks are stained pink. HA I KNEW IT SPILL! Before Blaise starts talking he gets interrupted by Draco. Nope! Your going first i saw you wink at Granger. Soon enough now my cheeks are pink. I- Well- It's not- OK FINE! I have a crush on Granger. You wouldn't have been able to hear me if you weren't near me, I said it that quiet. Soon enough i was trailing on how amazing Granger is.

The way her hair falls and the way she smiles and laughs. I want to capture those moments in a camera. AND OMG DID YOU SEE HER YESTERDAY. That's when i realized i was rambling. Shit i said that out loud didn't I, i ask. Blaise and Draco start laughing. I hide my face with my hands to cover my embarrassment. I completely forget all about the boys blushing and i didn't even ask who they fancied. At that I left their dorm and went to my own.

Hermione's P.O.V.
I'm almost done studying when Parkinson walks in. Her face is all red i wonder what happened. I ask if she's ok and she just becomes more red. It's getting late so we both just collapse on our beds and sleep.

She falls asleep before me and she looks so peaceful. Her hair falls onto her face and at that i fall asleep.

[353 words]
An: Short Chapter yet it still captures pansmione!

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