9. Hogsmeade Disaster

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Third Person P.O.V.
The two trios arrive at Hogsmeade. They are walking around looking at stores from the outside. Draco, Pansy, and Blaise look a bit distressed. On the other hand Harry, Hermione, and Ron look happy to be out for once.

Blaise's P.O.V.
I look at Pans and Dray and i know exactly what their thinking. The last time we went out things didn't exactly go as planned. I hate to be a party pooper but i know we're all thinking it, we need to go back in the castle. I don't want to ruin this for Potter and his friends but it isn't safe for us. If we're going to do this i might as well look good doing it. I look over at Pansy and Draco and i put on a confident face. Almost immediately they understand and put on a confident face too.

Third Person P.O.V.
The trio takes a deep breath and walk into the store behind the golden trio. Once the store owner notices them hell breaks loose. Well kinda. The owner yells at Draco and his friends.

Store Owner's (bitch) P.O.V.

Harry's P.O.V.
I can't believe the store owner did that. Why are they just taking it. Is this normal? Screw them. If they're leaving we're all leaving. I say, guys  let's go we're leaving. I ask Malfoy if this happens a lot. I hate what he did to them. I just want to stop all these horrible words. Draco doesn't deserve this. I just wanna protect him from these horrible people. wait what. draco? I meant Malfoy, ugh stupid voice in my head. I ignore the thought and start asking Malfoy questions.

Draco's P.O.V.
I mentally sigh at myself. I knew this would happen, i mutter. Yes potter this is normal for us. Us ex Death Eaters aren't very welcomed here now in days.  Honestly we're used to it. Most of the shops here have the same policy. Let's just forget this happened and hangout in the castle. Let's go to the room of requirements.

Potters face looked cute when he was worried. Why did he care anyways. Stupid gay thoughts. My inner gay is screaming i just know it. If i told my younger self i was hanging out with Harry Potter. My crush since forever. For all i know he's straight as a noodle. [An: a noodles straight until it gets wet😏]
I move these thoughts to the side and head to the room go requirement.

Pansy's P.O.V.
We arrive to the room of requirements and i suggest a game of never have i ever. Everyone agrees to play and i take out my secret ingredient. I announce that we're playing with alcohol. I explain how to play.

Ok every time someone says a never have i ever, if you have done it before you take a shot. If you haven't done it ever than you don't take a shot simple. Lets begin!

Third Person P.O.V.
The game has gone on for a while and everyone's pretty woozy. The final person says their never have i ever. Draco says, Never have i ever casted a patronus! Draco smirks knowing he got the golden trio. After the final never have i ever everyone crashes.

The next morning everyone drinks a hungover potion and instantly all their drunk actions come back to them. Once all comes actions back to everyone a burst of laughter comes out of everyone. Soon everyone's out of breath from their heavy laughter. Thank Merlin today's a Saturday.

Everyone's laughter dies down and they all relax.

Hermione's P.O.V.
We should head back to the dorms before anyone starts to worry. I cast a few spells to freshen myself up and i rush back to the dorms.

Third Person P.O.V.
Everyone rushes out after Hermione. Everyone chase after her. Who knew she could speed walk so fast. The one to catch her is the one and only... Pansy!

Pansy's P.O.V.
I catch up to Granger and jump on top of her making both of us fall. We both get up laughing. Who knew being friends with a Mudb- muggle born would be so much fun.

I'm still getting used to this new me. It's difficult forgetting old habits.

We get up and we're in front of our dorms. I wave at Granger and wink when i follow Draco and Blaise to hangout in one of their dorms. She looks so cute when she's flustered. I've come to the conclusion i have a crush on Granger.

Hermione's P.O.V.
Did she just wink at me. I can feel pink creep up to my cheeks and i quickly rush into my dorm. I may or may not have a teeny tiny crush on Parkinson. I don't even know if she fancies girls. I bet she's dating Zabini their so close. I sigh to the thought of Parkinson with another. I lay down and start reading. Education comes first.

Narrator P.O.V.
Hmm, i wonder what Pansy and the boys are talking about in their dorm. Feelings?? I wonder what's gonna happen woth these feelings the two girls are feeling. You'll find out once the author makes the next chapter! 😉 [An: HEY! i'm trying 😅]

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An: PANSMIONE IS STARTING!! I tried to make this chapter longer than usual and i'm happy with the length!

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