Part 7

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I don't know why, but I'm banging my head against my closet door. Well, I actually do know why.
My slutty mother just gave me some news. Incredible news.
She's gonna marry!
She's gonna marry the man in the shiny black suit I saw the other day.
This seriously cant be happening.
What the fuck is wrong with her! It's literally betraying dad. Well technically not. But still. She's gonna hurt the new man. Does he not know that she's a fucking slut!
She's probably just marrying him for money. No that's not possible. We have all the money in the world.
Maybe for her 'sexual pleasures'. But she likes enjoying a new man every day.
I don't think I'll ever be able to get used to any changes.

I spent the rest of the night just laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling. I couldn't get any sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Oh Shit! I'm late.
I quickly got dressed and stuffed some breakfast into my mouth and ran to sit in my car.
What the fuck! Where is my car!?
I ran inside and yelled, "Where is my car!?"
"Oh, I gave it to Anthony, he took it to get it repaired. It wasn't that smooth when we went for our drive."
I turned towards my mother.
"Oh, so now the man I'm the black suit has a name too?"
Anthony. Ugh.
"And how dare you take my car and have him sit in it. And then just give it to him? "
"Honey, it's gone for repairing."
"Who knows if it's actually getting repaired. Maybe that man just robbed you. Technically he robbed me. It was my car."
"Young lady, I brought that car with MY money. So its MY car not yours."
"Fine, ill take the bus." I spat and dashed out of the house, making sure I slammed the door shut to make a more dramatic effect. I need my mom to know I'm pissed.

The bus is the most hideous place anyone can be. Why not just use your private transport.
Oh, that's what normal people do.
People who aren't rich-ass people like me.
I keep forgetting.
I hate being this way. But now, that's how my mind works.
Anyway, I finally reached school.
I glanced at my phone to check the time.
Great! I've already missed my first class. But it was drama. I'm okay with that.
I quickly walked towards my locker to check my next class.
I literally ran towards the class. Running with heels is super hard.
I mentally made a note in my mind that I would somehow pursue my mom to let me wear shoes outside the house.
I reached the door of the chemistry classroom and began banging the locked door frantically.
Mr. Williams ran over to me and opened the door.
"Ms. Adams, you are late by not 5, by not 15, but 20 minutes!" he immediately realized that he was yelling at me, and he quickly cleared his throat and said in a softer tone, "You may enter class, Just make sure you are on time next time."
"Yes Mr. Williams. I'm extremely apologetic."
He nodded and let me in the class.
I've never been scolded in any class. Mainly because I'm the richest in the school and my mother is the famous actress blah blah.
My usual seat was occupied by another girl, who quickly moved to another seat on seeing me enter the class.
Thanks. Now I won't have to look for another seat.
Alex greeted me with one of his usual, cute wide smiles. This time the dimples on his cheeks looked deeper than usual, making him look even cuter.
Mr. Williams continued his class. This was the first time I had completely no idea what was going on in class. My mind was somewhere else.
Yeah, I was thinking about how miserable my life would be if the mysterious man in a suit would marry my mother, and then when he would realize that my mother is a slut, and then he would leave her, and then i would be left without a father for the rest of my life.
Anyway, Mr. Williams must be wrapping up the class because he began asking everyone about the assignment he gave us and how it's going on.
I felt Alex's gaze on me, and I realized that I had zoned out and that Mr. Williams was asking me and Alex about our assignment.
"Oh, our progress is great. Maybe in another week we will be able to complete it." I said, not actually knowing if we will be able to finish it in the next week or not, but it just slipped other of my mouth.
"Well, you do have an entire month left. There is a reason I gave the due date for this assignment after a month."
"Yes sir, we are working on our project and will submit it to you after a month itself." said Alex.
Mr. Williams nodded and moved ahead to the next group.

"Are you okay?" asked Alex as we walked out of class.
"You certainly weren't paying attention in class, which is very unlike you."
I drew in a deep breath.
"My mother is marrying."
"Oh, that's amaz-"
"No, it's not. She's going to break his heart. I don't think she can keep a stable relationship. Ever since Dad died, she's changed so much. Every single day, she finds a new man to enjoy. And-and I won't be able to ever come in terms with this."
I don't even know why I'm telling Alex all my life problems, or what's bothering me. I never share my feeling like this with anyone.
"Well, just take this as a small piece of advice. I think you should give your mother a second chance. I know, all of this is really hard for you, but trust me, at least your mother is trying to make up for everything she's done. She's doing this for you Hayley. So that you can get a father."
He patted me on my shoulder and speed walked ahead of me, until he got mixed with the rest of the crowd.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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