Part 6

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Alex's house was much further than I thought it was. I had to go into many small streets to get to his house. His house was in one of the secluded areas of the city. I wonder why...
Anyway, I parked my car and walked upto the doorstep. I dusted off some dirt from my shorts and adjusted my off shoulder top once. I decided to rub off some lipstick from my lips. I'm not a big fan of it anyway. But not like I can go anywhere in public without makeup on. Most cameramen are always on my mom, but some of them find their way to me too. Always looking for some drama, these media people.
I rang the doorbell. It took a few seconds for the door to be opened. There stood a lady. I must say, she was beautiful. Blue sparkling eyes, just like that of Alex, sandy, blonde hair. Her hair were neatly pinned into a bun.
She smiled widely at me. The same smile as Alex's.
"Oh! You must be Hayley." she beamed.
I put up a wide smile too and said, "Yes."
"Please do come in." she said, escorting me into the house.
While removing her apron and hanging it on one of the chairs she said, "Alex will be hear in a while. He just went out to get some groceries."
I nodded.
The house was a well kept place. It was small, yet beautifully maintained.
It gave me cozy and homelike vibes. I never felt this way in my house.
"You have an amazing house."
"Oh thank you!" she said. "Oh, please sit down."
I noticed that I was still standing, so I took a seat on one of the sofas.
"So, you guys are working on an assignment together?" she asked me.
We had a few seconds of silence, when the main door flew open and Alex came running in, panting.
"Oh, Hayley, you're here already!" he said.
I smelled and nodded.
He quickly kept the groceries on the table and dusted his hands and wiped some dirt off his face.
Oddly, he had a backpack on his back, which his mother noticed and said, "Honey, what's that?"
"Oh, nothing." said Alex. Then he looked at me and added, "C'mon upstairs. Ill show you where we will be doing the assignment."
I nodded and followed him upstairs towards the attic.
"Why the attic?" I asked, curiosity building up inside me.
"You'll see."
There was a small, brown door that Alex flung open.
That was the coolest thing I had ever seen.
The attic had been converted into a cool-ass room. Inside was a long table, the kind which is there in the chemistry lab. Some test tubes and other things related to chemistry experiments were kept there.
I walked further into the room. It extended towards the right hand side, and and Woah!
It was soo cool.
The other end of the room was completely black, and the roof was glass. There was a telescope kept there. Not very big, but a decent size I would say.
"You're into astronomy?" I questioned, running into the area and looking up at the sky.
"Yep. It's like a 50-50 between chemistry and astronomy. "
I sat down on one of the bean bags that were there in that area. Not much furniture was there in this room. It was pretty empty. I liked the emptiness though.
"I worked my ass of to pay for transforming this attic." Alex said as he put his bag into a small box in the corner of the room.
"What's in that bag?" I asked. I'm asking a lot of questions. Who cares. This is the one place I can be myself. No-ones gonna question me on talking too much or laughing too loud here.
Alex smiled and gently opened his bag to reveal a shirt with a formal pant.
That shirt looks familiar.
He picked up the shirt and showed me the logo on it.
Right. He worked at Crystal.
Why hide it from his mom?
Alex read my mind. Again.
"My mom doesn't know that I have a job."
"Oh." but I decided not to ask anymore questions. I could see sadness hidden behind that smile Alex had plastered over his beautiful face.
"Anyway, we should get to work." he quickly said, realizing that I probably saw through his emotions.

It had been about 2 hours since we had been working on our project. We finally decided to take a break. Our progress had been pretty good. Just a few more days and we would be done with it.
Just then there that door flung open(i have now idea what's up with doors flinging open in this house.) and Alex's mom entered the room. Well, technically she entered the attic. Whatever.
"Mom! How many times have I asked you to knock."
She smiled apologetically and said, "Well, I have got you some snacks. You two must be hungry."
Ooh! Burgers!
I forgot how it is to eat normal food in life. All I got at home was just green, leafy salads.
I thanked her gratefully.

After eating our burgers we just sat there, in silence. None of us were doing any work. And the room just fell silent. It was a comfortable silence.
I realized that I was getting a little too comfortable. I had began to lean into Alex's chest. My head just rested there for a while, until Alex moved about uncomfortably.
I jerked my head up quickly.
"Uh, I should really get going, you know." I quickly spoke.
"Oh, I thought maybe we could hangout for a little longer? We could head out if-"
"No, I really should get going. Thanks for everything though."
Alex looked dissapointed.
"Well, you could come over again tomorrow?"
"How about my place this time. 5 works well?" I asked.

Hey everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I might be a little slow in posting, as I have been very busy lately, but I promise to update as soon as possible.
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