TharnType: 7 Years of Love Chapter 3

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⚠️ Spoilers - You know the drill. Not everything said/done will be in the series and the English isn't amazing due to it being translated. ⚠️

All for entertainment purposes only

Make sure to read the other spoiler chapters before continuing and leave a vote if you enjoyed!

Sit back and relax. This is super long.
Rip my fingers 🙏

Contains 18+ Material


"The whole person is much more comfortable after the shower."
Type was rubbing his hair as he walked out of the bathroom wearing a large pair of shorts and an old tank top, then threw himself onto the bed, not caring that his hair was still wet and squinted exhaustedly feeling every cell in his body screaming, 'I want to rest, I want to rest.' Thinking this way, Type feels like he's about to meet Lord Zhou, if not for... [1] Lord Zhou is a Chinese deity for dreams.
"You're going to bed?"
"Well, I'm sleepy as hell."
Tharn called Type's name and the latter opened his eyes to see the other standing in the doorway with his arms around his chest, a vague refute from his mouth before preparing to continue closing his eyes.
"Your hair's still wet, don't get sick by it."
"It's done everything from playing in the rain. It's just wet hair, and it doesn't effect me at all."
Type closed his eyes and said, honestly, he does not want to get up especially after a few glasses of red wine, simply sleepy, does not want to do anything, just want to sleep well, but it seems that's he forgot... forgot what kind of a person his husband is.
"Back then you were young and physically strong so there was no problem, but how old are you now? Not to mention the lack of sleep, if you tried to sleep with wet hair I'll be laughing when you catch a cold tomorrow."
Tharn had quite an air of waiting to gloat, but his hand reached over and grabbed Type's arm and pulled him up to sit down, the person who was pulled up opened his eyes with a look of impatience. Tharn didn't pay attention to the other party's resistance. How could I forget that I have a husband who likes to worry?
"Ai'Tharn! I'm sleepy and I want to sleep!"
"You go to sleep, I'll blow dry your hair."
Tharn still insisted, Type sighed and sat up straight watching his boyfriend walk over and get the hairdryer, plugging it into the socket above the nightstand remembering that when the other party bought the hairdryer he still laughed and scolded.
"You're too much of a pussy to use a hairdryer!"
The look Tharn threw at him at the time was murderous.
"Better than you blowing into an electric fan."
In the end, Type went along with him, anyway, it was not his money to spend, he did not expect that later he actually became addicted to the hairdryer. When was the addiction you want to ask? This is the time! Tharn took the hairdryer and helped him blow dry his hair.
Phew... phew...
At this time, Tharn say cross-legged on the bed, while Type sat on the floor leaning against the edge of the bed, his head slightly bowed letting his worrying husband blow dry his hair. The warm air from the hairdryer wrapped in the cold air from the air conditioner dense in the room... Type couldn't help but feel very comfortable. Type didn't like people touching his head or playing with his hair, Tharn was his exception and whenever the other person gently rubbed his hair... an indescribable feeling of comfort assaulted his limbs. Tharn would have teased him about his old self-claims about his dad's pampering. At that time he begged his father to accept him and Tharn together, and at the time he pouted to his father, "Gee Dad - can you just accept us, anyway this baby is already cooked with him..." it's been so long, Tharn still teases him with this from time to time and Type is used to it.
"Well then... ugh!"
"Ai'Tharn, you're sighing all over my head!"
Already groggy, Type was tempted to twist his head around to look at the other, but there was really no strength left, and he knew that. Tharn sighing like that meant he was going to start preaching next. If there was anything Tharn was trying to hide from me, would certainly keep his mouth shut in front of me, not even showing it in a small gesture like a frown... but I caught his little mind every time. Type shrugged his shoulders, shuffling his ears to see what his family's drummer would say to him next, while thinking this in his mind.
"Tum... why is it that Tum still treats me so poorly after so long? I thought we'd made it clear but he's still got a lot of animosity towards me."
Type was silent for a while and sobered up because he knew from the beginning why Tum was always hostile towards Tharn, even though they'd already gotten back together when they were still in college and had taken pictures together after college. It's not that the two of them will rekindle their love or anything, but Tar's choice to study chef after high school has become a thorn in Tum's side. Why does Tar have a crush on chefs? He was not interested in this at first, and this question was answered when Type made dinner once. When he looked at his own cooking and couldn't help but laugh, thinking that Tharn would not like it. His foreign mouth, his foreign tongue, those foods with cheese, butter, beef and flour were his favourites. Tharn loves Western food, almost all Western food and sometimes Type finds him pretentious as a person but that's his favourite food, so what can be done? Maybe he was overthinking it, but Type just decided that Tar chose to study chef for Tharn. If the future we love is for someone else and not for ourselves, it would hurt a person's heart. It was because Tum knew that his brother had gone to learn cooking for him and for that he had so much animosity towards Tharn, and the more Tharn went to their house for dinner, the more Type could conclude - Tar had always cooked food to Tharn's taste. Sometimes he doesn't even bother to remind his boyfriend, 'The more you compliment your brother on how good he is and how good he cooks, the more Tum will want to bust your dog's head off!' Of course, there was no way Type could have told his boyfriend this. If Tharn knew that his brother had done so much for him, and then saw the good in the other, and kicked him back into the arms of his old lover, it would have been too much for him to promise that he would not be the killer of the heartless man. Even though Tar doesn't feel the same way about his Tharn nowadays, he thinks it's better to be careful, after all, it's always better to prevent things from happening before they happen. So, it's best not to give them a boost to their old flame. Type grunted,
"You might as well keep being stupid."
"What do you mean?"
"It's nothing, you are going to be stuck."
Type who was an outsider always saw more than Tharn's eyes, and the other party always told him that his feelings for Tar were all that remained of the brother feelings for the young man. Now that all of Tharn's attention has gone to Type, everything else doesn't seem to be of much interest so that it's enough that others don't have to look too deeply into how their boyfriend is treated.
At that moment, the phone's alert sounded abruptly, and Type's eyes glanced over then sighed heavily.
"Give me the phone for a second."
Although Type had decided to ignore everything, if it was work... even if he was sleepy, it had to be handled. Tharn turned off the hairdryer and turned around to pick Type's phone up and handed it to him.
[Brother Type, I am Fiat...]
[Thank you so much for today.]
A not-so-familiar name and two messages appeared on the phone screen and Type looked at them, then shrugged and tossed the phone onto the bed.
"Who is it?"
"... and you gave your LINE to a patient?"
Without looking back, Type could feel how cold and hard Tharn's tone was and the movement of rubbing his hair stopped. Type lifted his hand and stroked his shirt cut hair. It was already dry so he got up and went back to the bed, half sitting and half leaning on the bed, his mouth replied,
"No, normally I wouldn't give it to anyone but this time this kid I have mentioned to you before, if the one who was angry with me, at that time I wanted to put my foot in his mouth!"
"If you don't like him, why are you giving him your LINE?"
Tharn didn't comply, and the originally sleepy Type instead smiled lowly as he glanced back at Tharn.
"Are you jealous of that little kid?"
"Whether he's a brat or a old man, I'll be jealous!"
Tharn admitted straight away that he would be jealous, which instead made Type freeze for a moment, he froze and shook his head helplessly, pulling himself into this jealous boyfriend lying on the bed, grabbed the phone and put it on the nightstand.
"I gave him my LINE because I felt sorry for him. Good thing I used to be a footballer, I can understand the pain of an athlete when he gets hurt for no other reason than not being able to do the sport he loves. Oh and, you don't have to worry about me transferring my feelings, that kid is not as handsome as you."
Type ended the topic and Tharn, who was about to turn off the light, turned around, smiled, words clearly written on his face, 'your words have touched my heart.' You don't react to people's compliments on your handsomeness. You're so happy when I compliment you, your mouth is almost up to your ears! Tharn, like a small child, was as happy as ever to receive a compliment from his boyfriend, which Type knew well in his heart. He lay down and smiled lowly, Tharn leaned over and hugged him as usual.
"You're full of charm after you work."
"FML with the ghost emanating charm, the leader scolded me in the morning and scolded me in the afternoon. Every day is all kinds of messy things, there is charm your father!"
"My father isn't your father-in-law yet?"
Type rolled his eyes, unable to refute Tharn's claim because the other party's father was indeed his eunuch.
"Hmm, you can eat your jealousy if you want. I'm going to sleep, I'm sleepy as hell!"
"Hey, about that..."
"I said I'll do it on a rest day, as long as I don't sleep enough. Even if you plug me to death I can't even ejaculate. Please just let me sleep, when I wake up we can talk about it, okay?"
Honestly, he would have loved to do it with Tharn, but looking at his condition again, he was so exhausted that every time he finished talking to Tharn, the next second he closed his eyes and nearly fell asleep. Probably a bit guilty, so Type's tone of voice softened unconsciously and Tharn understood so he didn't go along with it either, he just sighed in slight disappointment.
"Alas! You also know that I have no resistance to the way you look in your vest, and every time you put it on, it seduces my soul away."
When did I seduce you! Type wanted to refute against Tharn, but he really didn't have the strength to open his mouth and his consciousness was getting blurred. He could only vaguely hear a sentence drifting in his ear.
"I love you."
The warm embrace wrapped in sheepish words of affection, although the embrace was not as soft as a woman's, but presumably he was already used to the other's hard chest because such a wide embrace would allow him to sleep soundly.

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