TharnType: 7 Years of Love Spoilers

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⚠️Warning, do not continue reading if you do not want any spoilers for the upcoming series TharnType: 7 Years Of Love. As always, what is said/done in the novel may not be what's in the actual series and apologies for the English.⚠️

I'm not sure if this is a continuation of Chapter 6 or if it's Chapter 7 but either or, it's part of the novel.

For entertainment purposes only

If you haven't read any of the other spoiler chapters, please do before proceeding! :)


Last time Fiat had already admitted his intentions and feelings for Type. Type was not aware of what he was saying to Fiat because he was drunk and he was really stressed with his life. Tharn had not contacted Type yet and was clueless of what the latter was going through.


In the novel, the next morning, Type woke up because of two children fighting and screaming over a toy. Type suddenly shouted at them causing the children to become quiet. The two children called their mother while crying. This made the room even more noisy, the loud noises made the hangover of Type even greater. Luckily, the father of the children came and asked the two boys what was happening. One kid said that their uncle Type was disturbed and he shouted at them. After their dad calmed the kids down, Type asked him why they were there. Kong said to Type to look around and asked himself why he ended up in their house. Type looked around the corners and saw that he was not in his room and was actually in Kong's house, the husband of Jeed. Type was thankful that nothing bad happened to him last night. Kong informed Type how drunk he was last night and said that Fiat was about to take him home but luckily, Jeed was able to refuse to let him go at that time. He even said to Type that Fiat was about to take him somewhere else. Type couldn't remember what happened last night and asked whether the two brought him to their house. Kong nodded and said that they also did it because of Tharn. Type expressed his gratitude for helping him.
After that, Type said his goodbyes to the owner of the house. When he got back, he just dragged himself to the bed and felt like the influence of alcohol on his body would take two days to disappear. Type was so tired at that point. His body was also starting to develop the symptoms of a fever. After a while, someone was calling him on his phone, when he reached for his phone, he didn't check to see who the person calling was and straight away said the name of his husband. He said to the other line that his head was hurting at that time but the person who he was expecting to be on the other line wasn't actually him it. It was Fiat. Fiat asked whether Type was feeling ill. Type asked him how he got his phone number in which Fiat said that it was Type who gave it to him. He also insisted to buy him porridge because he knew that Type was alone at his place. Type asked himself how the kid knows that he was alone and cursed himself for spilling too much information to him. After that, Type said to him that he should not come to his place and ended the call. He also turned off his phone so Fiat could not reach him. He hid his face in his pillow and said to himself,
"Tharn, my head is in pain, I'm also sick and I miss you."
He wanted to say those words to Tharn but he couldn't because he can't reach him. At that time he said to himself that he doesn't want anyone but only Tharn.
Tharn was at his office when someone came to him and asked whether his phone was turned off. Tharn checked his phone and the battery was completely drained, his co-worker gave him a power bank that he could use to charge his phone. When his phone was already on he saw a missed call from a familiar name and he dialled it back immediately. He never thought that Type would be the first to initiate a call. When he thought of that, he couldn't stop thinking about going home already to reunite with his husband again. He was smiling broadly while waiting for his call to be picked up by Type but he didn't answer his call. He said to himself that maybe Type was still at work. He redialled the number again but still, there was no one answering his call. He was about to dial again but was postponed because his co-worker already called him. Tharn did not know that the person he was calling was not at his work but currently sleeping because of a fever. Tharn wasn't aware that somebody wanted his husband to be their husband (Fiat). While Type was resting at their apartment, Fiat was on his way to his place. He got porridge and some medicine for Type. He was happy since one of his friends was also living at the same building. Fiat actually deceived Type when he was drunk. When Type couldn't control himself and was about to go unconscious, he got Type's phone and took his number. He also asked him what his address was. Fiat used all of his charm to get the information he needed at the Information Desk. Since Type was good looking and has a nice body, he easily described him. The person in charge said that she knew who he was describing and also said that it's the same guy who lives with the foreigner guy (Tharn is half American for those that don't know). Although Fiat knew that Type has a boyfriend, he didn't know that it was a foreigner. After he got the room number, he gave his sweetest smile and went off to the room. At first, Fiat only liked Type because of his physical appearance, for him, Type was so handsome and he couldn't control himself not to like him. Also, he fell so much more for him when he constantly sees him talk in a rude manner. He could feel that Type was also good at sex in which he thought that he wanted to do it with him even if it was once. Fiat knew that Type has a boyfriend but it didn't stop him from liking him and imagining that he could own his body for once. He was determined to win over the heart of Type and now that the latter was not in a good condition, he used that opportunity to make a move. As he stood up at the front door, he cheered himself up that he could do it and be confident with himself. He pushed the doorbell but he didn't get an answer. He thought that if Type was not at home, he would still wait for him to come. But if he's inside, he thought that he could be sleeping. Fiat continued to press the doorbell several times until he heard someone cursing from inside. Type was yelling and said that he already heard. When the door opened, Fiat was speechless when he saw the body of Type. He looked from Type's neck down to his six pack. Although Type was ill, his eyes were still looking furious. Type asked the kid what he was doing at his house. Fiat said that he came because he wanted to see if he was doing okay. Type wanted to know how he knew their room number but he just shrugged it off. He said to the kid that he should go home because he would be sleeping but Fiat insisted and said that he bought some food and medicine for him to take. He grabbed Type's arm and said he would not bother him once he ate the food and medicine he bought. Fiat knew that if he insisted too much, Type would get mad at him. At that time, he thought to make a move step by step. Type didn't say anything and just let the door open which means Type allowed him to come inside of the apartment. After that, Fiat shouted the name of Type when he saw the latter almost fall because of dizziness. He immediately grabbed Type's body to help him stand. At that time, Fiat felt the hotness that flows within the body of Type, the moment that the body of Type touched him, gave him shivers all over his body. He couldn't stop thinking and said to himself,
"P'Type, you're so hot."

Needless to say, I hate Fiat. XD
What a home wrecker!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed that and if you did please vote so I know that people are enjoying these spoiler chapters!

Thank you for reading.

All credit to original owner

If you want my source, message me!

~ Sam :)

Word Count: 1518

Source: YouTube

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