TharnType: 7 Years of Love Spoilers

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⚠️Warning! Do not continue reading if you do not want any spoilers for the upcoming series, TharnType: 7 Years Of Love. As always, what is said/done in the novel may not be in the series.⚠️

Make sure to read the other spoiler chapters before continuing!!



Last time, we saw how Type was badly ill because of what is happening in his life. The misunderstanding on his relationship with Tharn, his problem with his boss at work and how could he celebrate the Songkhran Festival with his family. Also, Fiat is doing everything he can so that Type falls for him instead.


In the novel, Type was out of balance and Fiat immediately assisted him. At that time, Fiat was touching Type's back, he was staring at the muscles of Type and his complexion. Fiat felt the heat of Type's body while he was caressing the body of the latter. He was stunned how Type could be that good even though he was sick at the time. He swallowed his saliva a couple of times while he was staring at the body of Type. The way he sees the sweat of Type coming down from his body, there was an urge that he wanted to taste it so badly. He snapped out of his own imagination and asked Type if he was okay. While he was asking that question, he couldn't help but to stutter. He wanted to hit himself because he lost all of his confidence he built up just by touching this body of Type. Type said that he was just dizzy at the time that's why he almost fell. Fiat asked where his bedroom was but the latter said that he just needed to be on the couch. Just by hearing the voice of Type, Fiat can't control himself not to be excited. Type cursed out when he felt the extreme pain in his head because of his hangover and headache. Fiat asked him whether he already ate or had his medicine. The latter said that he still didn't eat yet that's why Fiat immediately responded that he would take care of him at that time. Type refused again and said to him that he would just sleep, Fiat was speechless at that time. He was broken in the inside and his heart was shattered into pieces because of what Type said to him. In the past, Fiat never experienced being rejected by anyone. Although he is attracted to men, there are still a lot of woman who have shown their interest in him. A lot were flirting with him whatever the gender of the person, be it a man or a woman. There were also a lot of his team mates that were flirting with him before. This time, Type frankly rejected him and made him lose his confidence. But although it's quite embarrassing for him, he would still not give up to pursue Type. That rejection he felt for the first time from Type made him even more determined to make him fall in love. Fiat asked Type whether he is disturbing him in which the latter frankly said, yes. Type said that with an annoying tone of voice. Fiat got angry and clenched his fist so tightly but he calmed himself and made a pitiful face. Fiat said that he was just worried and they were not strangers to each other anymore. Fiat explained that he did not want to feel guilty because he neglected him even though he knew that Type was not feeling well. He also added that he felt that he needed to take care of him. Type let a big sigh out and said that he was only going to eat the food he brought and he should leave right after. At that time, Fiat realised that Type was frank when he spoke, there was kindness within him too. Fiat immediately asked Type where the kitchen was and went to get the bowl he needed. When he was in the kitchen, he noticed that all of the kitchenware was matching made for a couple. At first, he was very excited because he would be spending time alone with the person he likes but seeing those things reminded him that Type has a boyfriend. He was only snapped back from his deep thinking when he heard the voice of Type asking him what he was doing. At the back of his mind, he really wanted to see what Type's boyfriend looked like. He was angry just by thinking that alone. But he composed and calmed himself when he headed back to Type. Fiat asked Type whether he could feed him but Type refused saying that he could do it himself. Fiat sat down on the couch and just stared at the person who was eating. He also asked whether Type's body was sticky and offered to wipe it for him. Type refused again and said to the kid that he should leave after Type finished eating the food, he also said that Fiat shouldn't feel guilty after all. After eating all of the food, Fiat gave him the medicine and asked whether he could use their bathroom in which Type nodded. Fiat was actually there to think of a way to stay at Type's apartment longer. He really wanted to wipe Type's body. While he was thinking, he noticed that the bathroom was tidy in which he concluded that Type's boyfriend is neat. After that, he walked out of the bathroom and went to the living room to say his goodbyes to Type but he was already sleeping. He came closer to the person who was sleeping deeply and reached for his arm and put it on his own face. He sat down beside the person and his eyes inspected the body of Type. He noted to himself how handsome Type is. While he was staring at Type's face, he noticed the lips of the sick person. In his mind, he thought that it was the right moment. His opportunity to taste the lips of Type.
Fiat was on the verge of his own limitations. He saw how good the body of Type was while sleeping. Type was still wearing a piece of cloth on his bottom but Fiat couldn't control and wanted to see it too. He was about to remove Type's pants but luckily, a sound come from Type's phone. He got startled and panicked on where it was coming from. Fiat immediately searched where the phone was because Type was about to be woken up. When he saw it, he grabbed the phone and muted it. He was about to be at ease but he saw the wallpaper of Type's phone. He asked himself whether it was the boyfriend of Type. He agreed that Tharn was indeed handsome and has that western look. Although, with all of those compliments, the one he still wants is Type. At that time, he was already in a bad mood. Before he left, he got some clothes from Type's drawer and worn it to the sick person. Although he wanted to stay longer, he was not sure whether Type's boyfriend would be coming home at that time. He planned himself that whether Type still got problems with Tharn, he would take that chance to be in between them. He left the apartment with so much determination in his eyes that Type would be his someday.
Tharn was making a call on his phone and suddenly asked himself whether Type was so mad that he turned off his phone. Tharn was always making a call whenever he got a chance or when he is free. The first time he called Type, the call was dropped. The second time, it was cancelled. Tharn asked himself whether his boyfriend was still mad at him. Tharn also realised that the things he did to Type was inappropriate. He went on a business trip without telling him where he was going. He only left a note and didn't even tried to give him a message or a call. The wedding he wanted for them was not for everyone to know about them. He just wanted to do it and celebrate with friends and their families. Although Type is now more open with their relationship than before, he still does not want everyone to know about their relationship unlike what he had promised a long time ago. In Tharn's work, everyone of them knows that he is gay and has a boyfriend. While in Type's work, although they know he has a lover, they don't know that his lover is a man. Type said to him that they did not need to know so much about their private life. After he sighed, someone called him in which Tharn immediately answered. Type asked him whether he called and expressed his apology because he left his phone on mute. Tharn noticed the hoarse voice of Type and asked whether he was sick. Tharn also said that he would go home so he could take care of him. Type insisted that he should not worry about him and he was okay and just needed some rest. Tharn said that he was worried about him and Type dismissed it and said that he should not be worried. Type also added that he called because he was wanted to say something to him. Tharn was sad because he thought that Type was still mad at him but his face lit up when he heard Type say,
"I miss you so much."


I hope these spoiler chapters are okay! I know it's not an actual chapter but hopefully you're still enjoying it!

Thank you so much for the votes and lovely comments! It means so much ❤️

All credit to original owner
If you want my source message me!

Take care and stay safe!!
~Sam :)

Word Count- 1645

Source - YouTube

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