TharnType: 7 Years of Love Spoilers.

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⚠️ Warning: Do not continue reading if you don't want any spoilers! What is said/done in the novel may not be in the actual series so please keep that in mind. The English isn't great as it has been translated. ⚠️

All for entertainment purposes only

Make sure you have read the previous spoiler chapters before continuing and leave a vote if you enjoyed!


In the novel, Kla was teasing No and told him that they were having less time to have sex. Kla won't give No his shorts while Techno was just covering his front. Kla was teasing him to give him a hug but before No could do that, a loud noise from the doorbell echoed inside their apartment. Kla just cursed because of that thinking that his opportunity to have sex with No was disturbed. The latter was just smiling because he was saved by the bell. Kla cursed again to the person who rang the doorbell. Kla said that even if those people who rang the doorbell would be his parents, he would still shoo them away in a few minutes. But when he opened the door, the only question left on his mind was why he was always unfortunate. Kla saw Type in front of him and who he considered as his greatest enemy when it comes to his wife, Techno. Type immediately asked the kid where his best friend was, but the only answer of Kla was his wife wasn't around. Type didn't buy his answer and just went straight inside their house. The kid couldn't help it but to sigh. On his mind, the best friend of his wife knew when he was lying or not. Looking at P'Type, he knew that something was going on with him. Kla asked Type how he is but the latter only answered him back whether he was actually concerned about him. Kla straightforwardly said that if only Type wasn't Techno's best friend, then he wouldn't ask him anyway. Type just laughed at what Kla said to him and said that he's going to disturb them for a little while. Kla was puzzled on what Type said. After a while, Techno came out from their bedroom. Type simply asked him whether he could stay at their condo for two days. Kla was about to butt in and say no, but his wife was immediate to answer saying that it was no problem. Techno even asked his husband in front of Type so Kla couldn't do anything but agree. At the back of Kla's mind, he is already cursing Type out and hating him. Techno was asking Type what his problem was all about but the latter didn't want to utter any words and cursed him only. Techno reminded Type that if he did that again he would surely chase him away from their condo. Type didn't have the desire to eat because of all the problems he endured on that day and addition to that, he could also sense that Kla wanted him to leave the condo already. When he finished his meal he thought to annoy Kla by putting all of his clothes in the cabinet. Although he did that, he was only planning on staying just for two nights. He didn't want to disturb the life his best friend after all. Type didn't want to spill out what happened to him with his best friend because just by thinking about all the events that has happened, the only thing that he could feel was pain. Techno Suddenly asked Type whether he and Tharn argued again but Type was furious when he heard the word again. He also said to his best friend that he had a little problem compared to Techno because of his husband. (If you don't get what this means, comment and I'll explain). But Techno was quick to butt in and said to him that even though the two of them argued with one another, at no time did he leave their apartment because of a fight. Type simply said that he just got into a little fight but nothing serious. Techno reminded him of the last time Type went to his place because of their serious problem. It was all about the incident with Lhong and how Type broke up with Tharn so he could expose all of Lhong's evil plans. Techno just said that it was a serious matter so this time could also be a serious one. In the end, Type admitted to his best friend how big his problem really was. Techno asked him whether it was still the issue when they went to the bar. Type remembered that they already argued at that time but on a different matter, but this time, it's worse. Type revealed to Techno that Tharn accused him of having an affair. Techno was so shocked that he exclaimed his question whether he was really being unfaithful to Tharn. Type hit him because of what he said to him. Type explained that he couldn't do it with anybody else aside from his husband. Techno apologised to his best friend because of what he said. Type further explained to his best friend that he was being accused by Tharn of having a secret affair while he was away due to his work. He frustratingly said to Techno that he was so ill that he couldn't even stand on his own without fainting. Type also said that his husband just saw him kissing another guy and he was already being so mad. Techno was shocked but asked Type who the person he kissed was. Type revealed that it was his patient in the hospital he was working with. He also added that he tricked him, that's why the kid could get a kiss from him. At the back of Type's mind, he was extremely mad at the kid and wanted to smash the leg of his patient so that he could never play his sports again. He thought that the kid was innocent but he was wrong, Techno asked Type whether the kid had a crush on him. Type answered him directly that he did not know and he doesn't care anymore. Techno asked him again what he would do if the kid doesn't stop hitting on him. Type was speechless because of that. Techno explain to him that someone like him would do anything just to have him in his life. At the back of Type's mind, he's already asking himself what he would do if Fiat wouldn't stop. Techno said that Type wasn't going to break up with Tharn making the latter become furious again because of even the thought of breaking up with Tharn. Type exclaimed that he would never ever break up with his husband. Kla butted in on their conversation and said that Tharn thought that Type was breaking up with him. Techno asked his husband what he was talking about. Kla said that he called Tharn and he was extremely drunk. He also added that Tharn told him everything, that Tharn wanted Type to go back to their apartment. Type butted in that it was just all of Kla's plan so that he would leave the condo already, because of that, Type said that he would stay a little longer to annoy him further. But Kla didn't stop there and said that Tharn was crying. Type didn't know what to feel but all he could feel was pain. He was hurting thinking that Tharn was crying but what could he do? He was also devastated and in pain too. Type might look like a person who could endure everything but he has feelings too.


I'll post the next spoiler chapter this weekend!
I hope you're all enjoying the spoilers... even though it's turned really crappy at the moment on Tharn and Type's behalf :(
Thank you for all the votes!! I massively appreciate it all. <3

Thanks for reading!
~ Sam

All credit to original owner
If you want my source message me

Word Count: 1347

Source: YouTube

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