TharnType: 7 Years of Love Chapter 4

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⚠️ Spoilers! Everything said/done in the novel may not be in the actual series and unfortunately the English isn't amazing as it's been translated. ⚠️

Contains 18+ Material

All for entertainment purposes only

Make sure to read the other spoiler chapters before continuing and leave a vote if you enjoyed!

Another pretty long one, sit back and relax!


"Wow! It's already eleven o'clock and it takes so long every time I go to your house."
Type hung the key on the hook at the entrance, looked up at the clock on the wall and found that the return was a little later than expected, but this is also normal because every time he goes to the boyfriend's house he will be dragged to keep going with Tharn, have to drag people to stay to eat and drink before releasing people, did not force them to stay overnight is already their family mercy, but the most strange is the Tharn being around. For good reason, Tharn suddenly stopped talking and didn't pay much attention, Type said mentally, turning his head to look at his boyfriend's broad back as the other took the food he had packed back from home and put it in the fridge. The whole thing just looked perverse. He was fine at Tharn's parents' house, with a smile on his face. The only anomaly being the frequent visit to him during the period, an anomaly that peaked after they got in the car. Was he influenced by the fact that brother Thorn was getting married? Type thought in his heart and then sighed longingly. Seven years of spending time together, how could he not know that his mixed-race boyfriend was a person with a heavy heart? Especially about the relationship between the two of them. The other person always thinks a lot and a lot! Seeing that his big brother was getting married, he must have wanted it too! Type sat down on the couch, eyes fixed on the person who walked into the kitchen refusing to move and after watching the other person put everything in the fridge he opened his mouth and called out,
Tharn glanced back and didn't reciprocate.
"You come here." Type had to wave him over.
"Why? I'm going to take a shower."
"Shower later." Type yelled,
Tharn walked over and stopped in front of him and Type reached out to unbuckle the other man's pant belt unexpectedly. The pants unraveled with a click.
"Ai'Type! I haven't showered yet!"
Tharn took off trying to strike to stop and Type raised his head, deep gaze meeting his. This was followed by... a licking of the lips.
"It's okay, it's my husband's stuff... I don't mind if it's sweat."
Normally, whenever Type said something like that, Tharn would immediately laugh out loud but this time the other party was silent. Type thought he was acquiescing as the other man's large hands tugged at his jeans and dark underwear as they fell together at his ankles. Tharn's lower body was already naked, yet the area was still weak. Although seeing as Tharn doesn't have that temperament yet, for Type, who knows each other very well, knows how to awaken the beast inside Tharn. Type did not hesitate to hold the other's sex device in his hand, slowly j*rking the hot temperature in his hand. The eyes stared at each other for an instant, the desire of the person being stared at slowly being mobilised. Tharn hadn't had time to suppress the fire in his lower abdomen and Type suddenly buried his head and went straight for the big place. Sticking out his tongue and lingering on them even if the other party didn't take a bath, there's not a hint of disgust at all. Completely immersed in the familiar body odour and familiar taste, the pink tip of his tongue lapping at the thick long stem. The movements on the hands also matched the slow rhythm and the man's fragile male roots also slowly stiffened with it. Tharn's breathing became ragged for an instant, all his reactions telling Type... he was doing his best to cooperate.
I'm p*ssed off!
Type cursed mentally as he sat down on the couch pleasing Tharn awkwardly with his mouth. After all, it's a job he rarely does for the other person, and not long after that he slides down to his knees again in front of each other. Still refusing to let go of half an inch, one hand kept lassoing and lips sucking on the hard, hot, swollen shaft. Slowly, deeply into the mouth, almost to the top of the throat followed by a slow exit. One harder gulp... Tharn almost restrained himself.
"Huh, my skills are okay?"
Type's mouth withdrew to ask, with a tone of wishful thinking. Raising his head, he raised an eyebrow at the boyfriend in front of him who had been abstinent for a week. Tharn lowered his voice and said,
"Don't torture me like that."
Type had to take that fire into his mouth again, a muffled gasp in his ear, no matter how many years had passed, Type found this voice sexy and sexy and felt that this man's breathe was carrying waves of madness. The voice, the taste, the body odour, none of it kept him from lapsing into oblivion as Type sucked heavily. Tharn held his head and pressed harder into his lower body and Type slid one hand down to unbutton his jeans. The other hand slid down with it, both gripping the hem of the jeans down to just below the hips. Close behind were his underwear, until the lower body was fully exposed to Tharn. The full, hard thing was standing upright, expressing its thirst.
"Ai'Tharn, lube..."
Type withdrew his mouth, and lowered his head to contain Tharn's hotness again. As if tasting what a delicious ice cream, Tharn leaned over and opened the drawer next to the couch. Take out the bottle inside and handed it to Type.
"I'll help you." Tharn said,
"No... I want to make amends to you."
Type immediately shook his head and pushed Tharn to sit on the couch. He followed suit and leaned over, the movement of his mouth not stopping but rather becoming a little heavier. A low gasp escaped Tharn's mouth, and of course he knew how to make the other man press even more. Type snapped open the cap of the lubricant with a snap.
"Mmm... uh... so tight..."
Type poured the lube into his hands. Smearing it into his own posterior chamber, followed by a finger probing into the narrow passage. A week of unexplored place was tight, Type took a deep breath. His mouth released Tharn's big thing and turned his head to his hindquarters.
"I said I'm here to help you."
Tharn repeated what had just been said.
"No, you just sit tight and let me hold you."
Type still insists on doing it himself. Once again, with his head bowed, he held the hard, hot iron and his hands spread for himself. He could clearly see the muscles in Tharn's body tighten up. The image stimulated Type, smoothing out his movements in his rear hole. The harder Type sucked, the tighter Tharn's little belly tensed, the bulging abs clearly visible. The drummer's sexy look made Type want to go for it and he unconsciously thrust his fingers a little deeper. The lube wet his hindquarters and then he slowly withdrew his fingers.
"Phew... hmmm... didn't you want me to do it myself in the morning?"
Type climbed up and straddled the lap of his own boyfriend, sharp eyes staring at the sweaty Tharn. There was disguised lust in the other's expression, eyes glistening with the kind of Tharn that Type craved. We've been in love for many years, and we've been able to assimilate our preferences over time. One look at each other is all it takes to know what kind of pose both sides want to play. Type lifted his hips and sat down hard against Tharn's firmness.
"Ugh... ah! Your stuff is so hot, but... it's great... it's good..."
Riding above, Type tilted his face slightly, a low moan escaping his mouth. Swaying his hips to slowly swallow Tharn's big, hard, hot d*ck into his body. The pleasure of the onslaught almost drove Type crazy, and the deeper the rolling greatness went in, the louder and lower his whines became.
"You're too good at seducing people!"
Tharn's low voice rang out. Both hands were wrapped tightly around Type's hips, wordlessly whispering his desire. Type swooned,
"I didn't seduce you, if I wanted to, I'd do it."
After saying that, he swayed vigorously.
"Uh... Ai'Type! Uhh... don't bite me like that!"
Type's posterior point deadpanned. Rich clenched Tharn's genitals rhythmically and Tharn's whines came out of his mouth, trembling all over his body and comfortable to the point of spasm, Type lifted his tank top above his chest and licked his lips seductively. Tharn looked at him like he was about to tear him apart.
"I know you like it a lot..." said Type
"Then you do it!" Tharn replied.
"Holy sh*t!"
This time it was Type's cursing and as Tharn pushed up hard, Type let out an unbearable gasp. Tharn took a deep breath as he stands up his legs and then gets the initiative and becomes the man in control. Type tilted his face up and gritted his back teeth so hard, he felt the pleasure go straight down his legs and his toes curled up.
It's f*cking amazing!
"Why? No more seducing me?"
Tharn's voice was cold beneath him and Type couldn't say anything. He could only feel Tharn's thrusts and the pleasure came in a steady stream, especially as the big branding iron plunged heavily into his hips. Tharn's collision made him feel the thrill of destruction, the bliss of being in the clouds and out of his mind. The sound of bodies rubbing against each other echoed through the room, and Type tightened his grip on his own boyfriend's shoulders. Combined with swaying your hips up and down to accept the opponent's flesh blade in and out of you, feeling your soul out of your body. There was chaos everywhere. The room grew drier and duller and the gasps of the two men moved too far. Even the couch shook with it and Type was worried that it wouldn't be able to withstand their toss and fall apart.
"Ai'Tharn... ah... you..."
Type scolded even though he couldn't. His hips were in Tharn's hands so he could thrust even harder, his eyes half-closed. As the orgasm approaches, reach out and hold your own sex organ and j*rk it wildly.
"Mmm... uh.... ah..."
Tharn also knew that Type was about to reach his climax and kept pounding away at the point of his orgasm. Type was f*cked so hard that his hips kept quivering and before long, his palms were covered in his own semen and at the same time Tharn also swept a full load of love fluid into Type's rear p*ssy.
"Phew... phew...phew... phew..."
Tharn braver himself against the back of the sofa lying there on all fours with no image, he was too tired. Turning around and pulling out a few tissues and handing them to Type,
"Sorry about that, I c*mmed in there too."
"Well, I know that time you were too late to pull out and ejaculate." Type said unconcernedly.
Receiving the tissue, only to overhear Tharn say coldly,
"I'll go take a shower first then."
If it's a normal day, Tharn will definitely tangle with Type again after sex before taking a shower but today Tharn went out of his way to ask for a shower first, got up and went into the bathroom, leaving himself alone to gasp for air. Type couldn't help but wrinkle his brow.
"Ai'Hiaa, What is he throwing a tantrum for?"
Type was puzzled, but could only sigh longingly. Head rested against the back of the couch and then closed his eyes. Tharn, be reasonable, a man marries a man... it's impossible to think about that. Type knows what's on Tharn's mind, but in response there was nothing he could do about it; he couldn't meet this demand of Tharn's.
"Are you asleep?"
By the time Type finished taking a shower and came out, the room was already plunged into darkness, only to see down on the bed, the muttered,
"You and I once said, if there's something that must be said it must be said before we go to sleep. Did you forget?"
Still pretending to sleep.
"I don't know what's going on in your head, and if you don't tell me, I'll never know."
He doesn't even move a muscle.
"Tharn, even if I'm smart, I'm not a god. How can I read what's in your heart?"
"... go to sleep, it's late."
If this is watching an anime, you can definitely see a tic-tac-toe symbol appear above Type's temple indicating that he's p*ssed off at this point, f*ck it! After saying that for the most part, Tharn actually only said one thing... sleep!
"Do you want to get up and have a nice chat with me?"
The impatient Type said stiffly and Tharn paused, then rolled over and lay flat on his back, his eyes clear and without a hint of sleep. Tharn opened his mouth,
"It's late, we both have to work tomorrow, go to sleep."
"Tharn, let's talk before we sleep!"
Type's tone became a little more assertive and Tharn got up to lean against the head of the bed, his mouth still holding,
"I have nothing to say."
Hearing Tharn say this, Type was actually momentarily speechless.
"Don't be like that, go to sleep, I'm really fine." Type, who knew clearly that the other had something on his mind, was so exasperated that he almost exploded.
"[It's okay] it's okay my a*s! Do you think I'm that stupid? You are my man, how can I not see your perversion. Ai'Tharn, if you have no heart you will not be silent like this, you came out of your mother's house like this. What do you want to say..."
Before Type's words could drop, Tharn interrupted him and said squarely,
"You're going to obligé me if I say so?"
The two stared at each other for a long time, and Type could tell by the look in each other's eyes that Tharn had also moved with anger.
"You know what I want, but you can't give it to me."
Annoyed too, Type's voice involuntarily pulled up. Tharn sighed,
"You see, it's precisely because of you that I don't want to talk about it and I know we will argue when I do."
Type scratched his hair hard, annoyed in his heart but still tried to calm himself down,
"You probably forgot, we're both men."
"Again, maybe you don't want anyone to know about our relationship at all."
"Ai'Tharn, that's a bit much to say!"
Type would really like to blow the other dog's head off if he could...
"If I didn't want people to know, I wouldn't take you to my parents, my friends, everyone around me knows about your relationship with me. What do you need that bullsh*t marriage license for? Isn't it just a piece of broken paper?"
Type was getting louder and louder. Tharn expressed helplessness and could only sigh heavily,
"That's why I said hurry up and go to bed, just pretend I was being unreasonable and having nothing to do."
Type jerked his head to the side, p*ssed off at Tharn. Every time Tharn says he's the one who's making trouble for no reason, Type thinks it's his fault.
"Then tell me, why do you want to get married?" Type asked.
"Because I love you." Tharn replied righteously.
Type froze again, and the anger in his heart eased a bit as he turned his head to stare at the man who said he loved him.
"But there's no need to announce love to the world."
"As far as this matter is concerned, we don't see eye to eye so I don't want to say, okay I apologise to you, I was being unreasonable today. Type, you give me some time, just a few days, I'll try to understand your thoughts, understand the reasons you give, just give me a few days. I'll definitely be able to forget about this, forget all about it, as if nothing happened."
Here we go again, you always do this to me!
Type bit down hard on his back groove teeth, so hard that it almost cracked his teeth. Looking at the man with the mouth that said he wanted to understand him in annoyance, he hated Tharn's attitude, he was so negative when it came to problems, he blocked all the problems to himself and just kept running away. Why! Why can't you agree after all this talk! Why does he always have this 'it's all my fault' attitude!
"Hmm! Do what you want with it!"
In the end, Type who thought that the two of them could not get along tonight, stood up in dismay and took a pillow and walked out of the room, not forgetting to close the door with a shaking sound.
Type headed straight for the study next door, where he placed a pillow on top of the sofa bed, then walked over and opened the cabinet to take out the covers. They used to make the second bedroom into a study so that one of them wouldn't disturb the other when he needed to work but most of the purpose of the study was to separate the two people and sleep in separate rooms after a fight, which was a bit ironic.
"Sh*t! And I didn't want to marry you for the sake of your family's face!"
Type let out a loud curse and slammed himself onto the bed, huffing and puffing. If he could, he really wanted his cursing to go to the next bedroom so that the b*stard could hear it best. He disliked it so much that Tharn, on some small things, would think of trying to get something if Tharn wanted it, but this time it was marriage! It's marriage! Are you serious? Have you thought it through? Aren't we happy to be together every day like this? Why do we have to get married for this sh*t? The more Type looks back, the more annoyed he becomes. Don't look at Tharn, who seems to be casual and indifferent but in fact the other party is much more real than Type in the subtleties, often likes to drill the bull's-eye and likes to get angry with his boyfriend. Seeing that Type wouldn't tell his schoolmates that he already had a boyfriend would make Tharn angry. Tharn gets jealous when he sees someone coming after Type and Type doesn't tell the person pursuing him that he has a man. He knew that Tharn was doing it all for his own good, he loved him, especially after the incident with Lhong, Tharn's possessiveness for him was even stronger, sometimes he was tempted to say to Tharn: please give me a little breathing space, you need to know that you are not the only one in my life, I have many things and many people to consider. Maybe sometimes, the two of them really think the opposite way. Two people who were supposed to stick together all day and sleep together at night... ended up sleeping in separate beds.

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