TharnType: 7 Years of Love Spoilers.

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⚠️ Warning: Do not continue reading if you don't want any spoilers! What is said/done in the novel may not be in the actual series so please keep that in mind. The English isn't great as it has been translated. ⚠️

All for entertainment purposes only

Make sure you have read the previous spoiler chapters before continuing and leave a vote if you enjoyed!

Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes!



In the novel, Tar and Tharn went to the hospital to talk with Type's boss. After they talked with him, Techno called Tharn to tell him that Type went to the hospital to clear things up with his boss. A co-worker of Type said that their boss would file against him. Tharn said that they were in the area but they didn't see Type there. Tharn looked around the hospital and saw someone familiar. It wasn't Type but the person who caused all of these problems... Fiat. Tharn went immediately to the kid and grabbed him to ask where his husband was. Fiat was shocked for a moment but immediately calmed down and said to Tharn that he should be the one who knows where Type is. Tharn was so mad at the kid. Fiat smiled at him and said that Type is at their house right now. Tharn isn't like Type which is hot-tempered person but since Type is involved in the situation, he couldn't calm himself down and would definitely crush anyone even if it's just a kid. Tharn grabbed Fiat by his collar and said that he should tell him the truth. Fiat was still calm at that time. He also said to Tharn that he would shout if he hurt him which would alert the security. Tharn didn't calm down a bit but Tar intervened and said to him that he should calm himself. Tharn controlled himself so he wouldn't do anything to harm the kid but Fiat was pushing him to the limits by teasing Tar. The kid said to him that Tar wasn't really interested with Type but with Tharn. After hearing that, Tharn pushed Fiat into the car. He didn't think whether the kid would be injured or not. Tharn really wanted to beat the kid so badly. Tharn said to him that he should tell him where Type was. Fiat was in pain because of what Tharn did to him. He cursed out. Fiat said to Tharn that even if he did know where Type was, he wouldn't tell him. Fiat even mocked Tharn that he must be the one who should know because he is Type's boyfriend but since he didn't know where Type is, Fiat suggested that the two should break up. Tharn was about to hurt the kid but Tar immediately stopped him. He reminded Tharn that they were in the hospital and that he had just fixed Type's problem with his boss. Doing that would result in another problem for Type. Because of that, Tharn came to his senses after hearing what Tar said. Tharn said to Fiat that they would never break up. Fiat ridiculed Tharn by saying that he was stupid that he believed that Type was at his place. Tharn cursed him because of that. Tar said to Tharn that the kid was just trying to provoke him to cause a scene and use it against him. He even said that he also did that to them when he was still in love with Tharn. Tharn listened to Tar and decided to get in his car. But before that, he looked at Fiat and said if it wasn't because of Tar, Fiat would not be breathing by now. But the kid wasn't scared of what Tharn said to him. He even said to Tharn that he would definitely have Type for himself. Tar said to the kid that he should stay away from Type if he didn't want the latter to have a problem with his work. Fiat didn't listen to him either and even suggested that the two should help each other because he knew that Tar liked Tharn before. But Fiat was stunned when Tar asked him if Type would even like him. Tar mocked the kid by saying that Type would never like a problematic person like him. Tar looked at Fiat from head to toe which made the latter very angry. Tar also added that Tharn is the only person that Type would like for himself. Fiat argued that one kiss was enough to break them apart but Tar disagreed. Tar even said that him and Tharn had slept together but they never ended up together. Tar admitted to Fiat that he liked Tharn before and just like him, he acted like an asshole who wanted everything to himself. Tar ended his argument mocking Fiat that Type is disgusting by him. Tar added that his number was probably even blocked and his LINE as well. What Tar said was actually true and it affected Fiat so much that he grabbed Tar's collar. But before Fiat could do anything to Tar, Tharn warned him to let him go before he would do something to him. Fiat threatened the two by saying to Type that Tar and Tharn are having an affair. But Tharn didn't care and even said that he should do it, mocking him whether Type would believe him or not. Fiat was very mad and cursed the two. He added that he wouldn't lose. Tharn hit the roof of the car because of what Fiat said and Tar knew that Tharn was very mad right now because of his facial expressions. In the end, Tar said to himself that Type should know what Fiat was doing to break them apart.
Type was informed that his boss would file against him because of what he did to him. He wouldn't mind paying a fine but being jailed really freaked him out. Type was thinking of someone who could help him legally with his case. He thought of his friends before when he was still studying but he couldn't think of any. He was in deep thought when someone called him and knocked him out of thought. It was Thanya who was calling. Thanya asked Type why he had turned his phone off. Type defended himself and said he was busy and had to turn his phone off. Thanya didn't buy his reason and said that Type just didn't want them to talk. Type explained that he had a lot of problems. Thanya opened up the issue between her brother and Type, confirming that they hadn't broke up. Type asked Thanya whether Tharn wanted to break up with him. Thanya immediately defended her brother and said that it was Type who wanted to break up with him according to Tharn. Type cleared himself and said that he didn't say that he wanted to break up with him. Thanya asked Type to settle things with her P'Tharn and also explained that the latter was just jealous and that's why he was so mad. She said that Tharn just loves him so much and Type should understand him. Type said to Thanya that he would settle things with Tharn again only if the latter would apologise to him after accusing him of having an affair. After that, Type immediately ended the call and said that someone was calling him. Type just let a sigh out because of that. He just said that to end the call. But surprisingly, another call registered to his phone and it made him sigh again. He answered Tar's call and asked whether he called just to help Tharn settle things with him. Tar said that there was something he needed to know. Tar explained to him everything that Fiat did to them and all the plans he would do just to break them apart. This made Type very angry with the kid. Type went to Kla and asked him to know everything about Fiat. Kla asked him what he would get in return after doing what he wanted. Type said to him that he would leave their apartment immediately if he accomplished that but Type also added that if he couldn't do it, he would stay in their house and would annoy him. Kla asked Type what he wanted to do with the kid. The latter explained that he should know every detail of the kid. Kla was not happy on doing that but Type revealed that he would tell Techno that Kla was making up a scene in order to make Techno jealous. After a while, Kla agreed and said that it would take him two days to do it.

Next part will either be throughout the week or next weekend! I have quite a lot of work to do but I'll try to update whenever I can. I won't keep you waiting long, don't worry!
Thank you for reading.

All credit to original owner
If you want my source message me

~ Sam

Word Count: 1513

Source: YouTube

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