TharnType: 7 Years of Love Spoilers.

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⚠️Warning - if you don't want any spoilers then do not continue reading! Keep in mind that not everything said/done in the novel will be in the series. The English isn't the best as it has been translated. ⚠️

This is for entertainment purposes only.

Please read the other spoiler chapters before continuing and leave a vote if you enjoyed it.



In the novel, the next morning, Type couldn't remember much about what had happened yesterday and felt that it was dragging him for too long. When he woke up, he couldn't remember where he put his phone. Also, he didn't know when Fiat had left their apartment. At that time, what he remembers was Fiat came to their apartment and brought some food and medicine for him. He also wanted to know how Fiat knew their room number. When he was deeply thinking, he noticed that his body was wiped by the kid and he was already in his pajamas. He remembered the exact same thing Tharn did to him to get his heart. He knew that if it wasn't got his sickness at that time, he wouldn't know how good his husband is. Type couldn't decide whether to continue sleeping or to get up already to go to his work. But in the end, he called someone from his work that he was still sick and couldn't work. When he said that, he heard Teng saying that his boss was not glad about it. Type got annoyed thinking that after all of these issues, he would face another big problem when he returns to his work. But for him, being sick is not that bad at all because Tharn finally called him. Type was smiling so broadly while he was reading the messages from Tharn. Tharn was still worrying, that's why Type decided to send a message indicating he was okay. But, Type was missing Tharn so much and he wanted to hear his voice. That's why he decided to call Tharn at the time. While he was waiting for Tharn to pick up the call, suddenly someone made the doorbell of the apartment ring. Type cursed the person whoever made that sound. At the exact time, Tharn also picked up the call. Tharn asked whether Type was really fine. Type was just about to smile when the loud sound from the doorbell rang again. Tharn heard it and asked Type who was there. Type said to him that he did now know although Type already guessed who that person was. Type also said to Tharn that he's already okay and was just sleepy because of the medicine he needed to take. When Type heard the doorbell ring again, he couldn't help but curse Fiat out. Tharn heard what Type said and asked him who Fiat was. Type just casually answered him that he was just a kid from the hospital. Type did not know what to call to Fiat since they barley knew one another. Although they just got acquainted, Fiat already came to their apartment. Type wanted to get rid of him but since he was the one who helped him when he was sick, he couldn't do it. When the door opened, Type saw the kid smiling broadly and carrying rice porridge. Fiat asked whether Type was already okay. Type said he was fine and thanked him for what he did yesterday. Fiat smiled at him while saying that he would gladly help him. Tharn heard all of their conversation and asked Type what happened yesterday. Type said that Fiat came to their apartment to visit him. Tharn also said that he did now know who Fiat is in which Type said that he had not met him yet. Fiat asked Type whether the person he was calling was his boyfriend. Type just nodded to him as an answer. The smile on Fiat's face was gone but suddenly came back like nothing happened. Fiat asked whether he could come in to their apartment. Type wanted to drive him away but he did not want to feel ungrateful after what Fiat has done for him. In the end, Type let him in to their apartment and said to Tharn that he wound call again later. After Type ended the call, he thanked Fiat again. Fiat just smiled and asked whether Type had already eaten. Fiat did not wait for Type to answer and proceeded to serve the porridge he brought. Type wanted to say no to Fiat but he just nodded to him. When Type went back to his bedroom, he didn't know that Fiat looked at his phone. On the other hand, Tharn was starting to feel suspicious about what happened at their apartment. It was not long ago since he left their house but there's already an unknown guy who he had never met before there, at their apartment twice.
Type decided to clean the house because he could only leave for a couple of times. When Fiat saw it, he volunteered to help Type. Type asked him whether he really knew how to use a washing machine in which the latter said yes. Type who was sitting at the couch let a big sigh out and lay down because of his sickness. Although Type was only staying at their house, he still felt exhausted. Having Fiat help him do all the work is favorable to him. At the back of his mind, he's still thankful that he did not need to go outside to find something to eat and bought medicine. He thought even if Tharn was there, he still wouldn't know how to do it. But even thought Tharn does not know how to cook, he still wanted Tharn to be beside him when he's sick. Fiat informed that he's done putting all of their clothes in the washing machine in which Type just nodded as an answer. Fiat was still wearing his bright smile when talking with Type. Type, on the other hand, wanted Fiat to leave their house already but did not want to offend him. But knowing Type as being a frank person, he asked Fiat directly what time he's going to leave. The smile on his face faded and said that he just got to their house. He begged Type to let him help the latter. Type asked Fiat whether the latter is putting him on a spell. Fiat simply said no and indicated that he was only worried for him. Type agreed on what he said when he saw how Fiat frowned. Fiat continued to wash the dishes and immediately grabbed the bowl from Type. Type asked the kid if he didn't have any classes on that day. Fiat responded that he had none. He also revealed that he skipped his classes yesterday just to be with Type. If you would ask Type before, he would say he's annoyed with Fiat but seeing him closely made him wonder that he's actually a good kid. Type would actually want to continue talking with him but suddenly, his doorbell rang again. Type was confused who would be at the door. He saw that it was already late in the afternoon which made him think that no one visiting them at that time since most of them were already in their workplace. Type panicked thinking that Tharn made a call to his mom to come over to their house. When he opened the door, he was shocked that he saw the ex-boyfriend of his husband, it was Tar. Tar brought a lot of things with him. Tar said that he heard that Type was sick so he came over to cook something for him. Type asked Tar how he knew he was sick. Tar was about to answer when Fiat came out and asked who the person is. When Tar saw the kid, he immediately frowned end stared at Type suspiciously. Fiat asked Type who the person was. At the back of Type's mind, he felt uneasy because of the situation. Type introduced the two with one another. With the look on Tar's face, Type immediately said that Fiat was only a kid from their hospital. Tar already said okay but there's still doubt behind his tone. Type already had a clue on who called Tar to come over to their apartment. Type thought Tharn would call Techno but he was surprised to see Tar in front of him. Tar said that he would use the kitchen to prepare something and asked Type what food he wanted to eat. Before Type could answer, Fiat cut in and said that Type already ate the porridge he brought. Tar turned to the kid who said that and stared with each other fiercely. To change the atmosphere, Type asked Tar if he had no work on that day. Tar said that it was his day off and since he heard that Type was sick, he immediately went to him. Tar also touched Type's forehead checking whether the latter still had a temperature. That action of Tar did not have any meaning for Type but for Fiat, he felt that the action was excessive. Tar noted that Type still had a fever and should take a rest. He also asked Type what he could help with but someone interrupted them again. Fiat loudly said that he was already there to take care of him. Tar let out an evil smirk and said that since he was there, Fiat should go home already. Fiat still did not want to lose and said that he came to their house first. Tar responded to him that it's not who came to their house first. Tar also added that it was about the intention why they came over. Type did not want to argue with them anymore and just said to Tar that he could do anything he wanted. Type proceeded to sleep in their bedroom. Since the time Fiat came to their house, Type did not want to sleep because he wasn't comfortable sleeping with only him and Fiat at the house. Since Tar was already there, he could now sleep with peace. While Type was sleeping, the two were staring at each other. Fiat wanted to have Type to he his while Tar was there to oversee what the kid was doing. At that time, Tar already knew that Fiat was not an innocent kid they think he'd be.


I might most the next part today, but if not then it will be uploaded tomorrow!

What are your thoughts on it so far? :D

All credit to original owner
If you want my source, message me.

~ Sam

Word Count: 1784

Source: YouTube

TharnType The Series - 7 Years Of Love [ENG TRANS]Where stories live. Discover now