Chapter 22:

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-tiny time skip to when Percy and Nico are back in school-
P-O-V Percy:
I walked with Nico to English class. I knew we were both groaning internally because we were both Dyslexic and reading really sucks. If you didn't already know that.
Sat down in my seat in the very back of the class next to my-now ex- girlfriend Annabeth, while Nico, who I now decided was a bit of a teacher's pet, sat in the very front.
"Hey." She whispered as Mr. Brunner, our teacher, walked in.
"Hey." I responded, trying to pay attention to what he was saying.
"So you and Nico are together?"
"Yep. You're mad aren't you?"
"Nope, I'm happy for you. I could tell you weren't happy dating me."
I smiled for the first time in a few weeks.
The lesson passes slowly like always. When the bell finally rang letters were swimming around my head. I walked to my locker and started pulling out the few notebooks I would need for my homework.
A small note slipped out. I turned around and looked to see if anyone might have slipped it in there. I saw Nico turn away and furiously start shoving books in his backpack.
Turn on? I think yes.
I opened the note and I immediately recognized Nico's handwriting.
Want to come meet my new foster family and hang?
He included an address.
I turned around to find him and found him straight in my face.
"Whoa!" I slipped back and banged into the lockers attracting some attention. "Sorry!" Nico winced. "Hey babe it's okay." I stood up.
"Let's go."

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