🐺 (1) Leaving town 🐺

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"Scott, please tell me what I can do!"

"We always have a choice."

"I didn't!"

"Stiles, I can't..."

"Scott, please..."

"I need some time."


Stiles tossed and turned that night. The night his best friend, his brother stopped believing in him. Stiles sighed and sat back up knowing he wouldn't get any sleep no matter how hard he tried he reached over the side table and grabbed his phone.


Hey, Lyd's we need to talk

What's wrong? Are you okay?

Can I come over?

Sure, Ally's here though

Good, I need to talk to her too

Okay, see you soon

Stiles slipped his shoes and jacket on before jogging down the stairs and snatching his keys up from the kitchen table. Ten minutes later he was pulling up to Lydia's house, Mrs. Martin let him in and gestured to Lydia's room at the top of the stairs.

"Stiles?" Lydia got up from her spot on the bed, "are you okay? You don't look okay" she lightly stressed as Allison gently took Stiles' hand in hers and guided him to the bay window.

"Scott told me what happened" Allison sighed sympathy filling her brown eyes.

"What happened?" Lydia questioned.

Stiles didn't reply, in fact, his gaze dropped and he helplessly shrugged, Allison took that as her cue to explain.

"Donovan's dead, Scott thinks Stiles killed him."

"Why would he think that?" Lydia asked glancing between the two.

"Because I did" Stiles spoke up looking Lydia in the eyes, "but out of self-defense" he quickly added before she could come up with the worst scenarios like Scott did.

"I don't understand" Lydia admitted, "if it was in self-defense..."

"Scott doesn't believe I did it in self-defense" Stiles dryly stated, "he thinks I killed Donovan on purpose, he thinks I killed him in cold blood."

"Stiles..." Lydia sighed not knowing what to say.

"He doesn't really think that Stiles," Allison said, "he's just confused right now he doesn't know what to do and who to trust-"

"He should trust me" Stiles almost growled out, "how many times have I just gone along with whatever stupid idiotic idea or plan he's come up with?" he rhetorically asked, "how many times have I just kept quiet and did what he asked no matter how selfish or insane it might've been? I never once questioned him, Ally, not once. I've stood by him through everything and when I need him the most he just walks away from me and says 'we always have a choice' and 'I need some time'," Stiles mocked Scott's voice.

"I know" Allison's voice was barely audible as she wrapped an arm around him in a comforting hug, "just give him some time things will sort themselves out" she reassured.

"No" Stiles shook his head, "I'm done."

"What do you mean you're done?" Lydia questioned with caution.

"I mean that's it I'm out of the pack" Stiles threw his arms up, "I'm moving."

"What?!" both girls exclaimed.

"I've got family in a small town in Washington they're from my mom's side of the family" Stiles explained.

"Stiles, I know this is-"

"I need to leave, Lydia, I can't stay here anymore."

"Okay," Allison said.

"Okay?!" Lydia stared at her in disbelief.

"Lyd's this is Stiles' choice and to be honest I think it's a really good one" Allison admitted, "Beacon Hills isn't going to get any better and if he really needs this we need to give it to him."

"Thank you, Ally" Stiles nodded in gratitude, "Lyd's I won't be that far I promise," he said turning back to the strawberry blonde. "If you ever need me I'm only a phone call away and I'll be here faster than you dialed the number."

"Oh, Stiles" Lydia sighed wrapping her arms around him in a hug, "I'm going to miss you" she whispered.

"I'm going to miss you both so much."

"We'll miss you too" Allison softly smiled making it a group hug before they pulled apart again and she asked, "Why Washington?"

"What?" Stiles asked.

"Why Washington?" Allison repeated, "why not Mystic Falls? I'm sure Hope would love to see her brother again."

"It's only a 3-hour drive from each other" Stiles shrugged, "and I don't really know why" he admitted, "it's just a feeling I'm getting. Beside, Alaric's got enough on his hands with just my sister there imagine having me there too" Stiles lifted the mood with a mischief grin.

Allison rolled her eyes while Lydia chuckled.

Stiles went back home in a lighter mood he tried to keep Scott off of his mind and, instead thought about his father's rare words of wisdom.

A new day is coming whether we like it or not.
And the question is will you control it or let it control you.

Stiles liked to think of him moving as a new day. He didn't have a clue what was next for him but he knew staying here would most likely end up with his demons controlling him, instead of him controlling his demons.

In most ways, Stiles was a lot like his father. He had a temper, he could be terrifying and tyrannical. He could hold a grudge worse than anything and didn't have to think twice in ripping someone's heart out or snapping their neck if it meant protecting his family. But then, Stiles was also like his mother. Sarcastic, quick-witted, smart, caring, and merciful even with those who didn't deserve it.

Stiles packed his bags and loaded his Jeep early the next morning, but when he slid into the driver's seat he had a surprise waiting for him.

"Holy mother of..." Stiles jumped his hand clutching his heart, "Malia! Lydia! What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Coming with you" Malia bluntly replied completely unphased, "and for being part werewolf and vampire you're strangely deaf and unobservant of your surroundings."

"Tell me about it," Lydia remarked.

"No, you're not either of you" Stiles shook his head, "and ouch!" he added.

Malia rolled her eyes before saying, "Yes, I am."

"So am I," Lydia said defiantly crossing her arms.


"Stiles," Malia said, "you're not leaving town by yourself and you're not leaving me behind."

"Malia, I'm not leaving you behind" Stiles sighed, "I'm leaving you with your pack. This is your home. This is both your homes."

"You're my home" Malia stated, "Stiles you're my anchor and my best friend where you go I go."

"I second that" Lydia nodded, "you're the only one besides Allison whoever believed in me and looked passed all my false masks and fake attitudes."


"We're serious, Stiles" Malia cut him off.

"Don't make me scream at you, Mikaelson" Lydia warned.

"Thank you" Stiles smiled catching the two off guard before they each returned the gesture.

"So, where are we headed?" Lydia asked.

"Forks, Washington" Stiles replied, "but I need to make a quick stop somewhere before that."

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