🐺 (4) Past visions 🐺

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Stiles dragged himself into the kitchen early the next morning only to be met with Emmett and Rosalie cuddling on the living room couch their eyes narrowing on him before widening in surprise.

"Stiles?" Rosalie got up and slowly walked up to him, "Stiles!" she smiled when she finally saw his face.

"Oh, Hey Rose" Stiles waved a hand he was still half asleep, and without his morning cup of coffee or blood bag that's how he'd stay.

Rosalie flung herself into his arms.

"Oh, My God!" Stiles exclaimed as his back hit the wall and his arms instinctively wrapped around her trying to keep himself from falling.

"Dude!" Emmett grinned as Rosalie slipped out of Stiles' arms only to have him tackled in a bear hug from Emmett.

"Oh good God!" Stiles helplessly muttered as he patted Emmett's back.

"Esme and Carlisle said a friend was coming to stay here, but-"

"They never told us it would be you" Rosalie finished for her mate.

"Why?" Stiles playfully quipped, "because you'd be more intimidating and bitchier if it was someone else?"

Rosalie smirked her hand coming up to flip her long blonde hair to the side, "well, of course."

Rosalie always reminded Stiles of his Aunt Rebekah, maybe it was the way she carried herself, the blonde hair, the attitude, or just the general soft personality hiding under the stone-cold bitch of a shell

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Rosalie always reminded Stiles of his Aunt Rebekah, maybe it was the way she carried herself, the blonde hair, the attitude, or just the general soft personality hiding under the stone-cold bitch of a shell.

"Hey, where's the hospital in this town?" Stiles all of a sudden asked confusing Emmett but making Rosalie sigh.

"Five miles into town, why?" Emmett questioned.

"I need-"

"Carlisle's study third draw," Rosalie said cutting him off, "just remember to replace it before he notices."

Stiles walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek, "Thanks, Rose."

Emmett's eyes widened in realization, "oh right" he nodded.

Stiles started making his way across the living room before turning back around and slowly walking backward, "I thought you guys were on diet."

"We are it's not for us" Emmett stated.

"Who's it for?"

Rosalie rolled her eyes and over dramatically sighed before answering, "Edward found his mate she's human... and she gets hurt a lot."

"Understood" Stiles nodded as he twisted back around and walked into Carlisle's small surgery room of an office.

"What are you doing?" Malia asked from the doorway as Stiles crouched down and slid open the third desk drawer.

"Morning to you too," Stiles remarked before smiling as he grabbed one out of the five blood bags, "and I am getting myself some breakfast."

"I thought these vampires only ate animals?" Malia questioned in confusion her head tilting to the side just like a puppy's would making Stiles smile a soft and genuine smile.

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