🐺 (6) Imprinting 🐺

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Stiles walked into Lydia's room his arms flailing about while Lydia calmly sat on the edge of her bed finishing up her make-up with an easy and not at all rushed pace. "What?" she asked sparing him a glance before going back to putting on her lipgloss and patting it down with her finger to get the right color mixture and thickness.

"What?" he repeated in disbelief, "we're late that's what."

Lydia pressed her lips together before jumping up and grabbing her handbag and leather jacket, "Well, then we better get going" she quipped as she cat-walked out of the room and down the stairs where Alice was happily and very patiently waiting for her.

"Ready?" she asked getting to her feet and smiling as Lydia reached her.

"Yeah" Lydia sighed in content as she linked their hands together and gently dragged Alice toward the front door.

"Freaking amazing" Stiles shook his head as he jogged down the stairs after them, "Malia!" he called out.

"Do we have to?" Malia asked as she reluctantly dragged herself into the living room.

"Yes," Stiles nodded as he came up to her, "school is important."

"Try doing it for the 50th time, Lia" Emmett commented grinning as he and Rosalie appeared in the kitchen's doorway.

"Yeah, every year the same" Rosalie sighed, "it's entertainment at its finest."

Before Stiles could throw out a sarcastic remark the front door swung open and in walked two people, Stiles didn't recognize.

"Edward, welcome home, man" Emmett happily greeted only getting a nod of acknowledgment in return.

"And so are you" Rosalie retorted glaring at the girl walking in after Edward, "joy" she sarcastically smiled.

Stiles knew from the stories the Cullens had told him about their family that Edward was the least social, except for maybe Rosalie but she was just a bitch by nature she liked being anti-social whereas Edward just seemed socially awkward.

"Who're they?" Edward questioned stopping a few feet away from Stiles and Malia.



The two greeted as Jasper, Lydia, and Alice came back through the front door.

"You rush me and now look whose going to make us late for our first day!" Lydia exclaimed as she came up to both Stiles and Malia grabbing them each by the wrist and pulling.

"Edward" Jasper greeted.

"Hi, Jasper."

"Bella, you're back!" Alice smiled as she ran forward and grabbed the girl, who was with Edward into a tight hug.

Stiles watched the interaction, God Alice just loved everyone and she was so freaking likable it was insane the girl was like a sweet, super positive, and lovable pixie. Stiles smiled but then froze when he caught sight of Bella's face his eyes fluttered closed and he fell to the floor as images flooded his mind.

"Stiles!" Malia grabbed his arm falling to the floor with him.

"Oh my God!" Lydia exclaimed as she crouched down beside them, "Stiles!"

Jasper was there in a flash pulling Stiles up into a sitting position and cupping his face, "Stiles!" he gently shook him, "Stiles!"

Jasper was there in a flash pulling Stiles up into a sitting position and cupping his face, "Stiles!" he gently shook him, "Stiles!"

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Stiles' eyes flew open, Malia and Lydia sighed in relief their heads dropping as they tried to calm their rapid heartbeats back down while Jasper pulled Stiles into a hug, "you're okay" he whispered

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Stiles' eyes flew open, Malia and Lydia sighed in relief their heads dropping as they tried to calm their rapid heartbeats back down while Jasper pulled Stiles into a hug, "you're okay" he whispered.

"You have got to be kidding!" Stiles said as his head hit Jasper's shoulder and he glanced up at Bella his arms numbly coming up to gently push himself out of Jasper's embrace.

"What the hell happened?" Lydia demanded, getting ready to punch Stiles for scaring her like that.

"He imprinted" Edward spoke up before Stiles could.

"What? How?" Jasper asked confused, his gaze shooting between the two.

"Who did you imprint on?" Alice asked.

"Bella," Edward said again before Stiles could the distaste and outright dislike of what he was saying clear and obvious.

"Thank you, mind reader" Stiles retorted as Jasper helped him back to his feet.

"Stiles..." Malia came up to him her brows furrowed in confusion, "but I thought Jasper was your mate?" she asked making Edward's mood lift from easy hatred to surprised doubt.

"He is" Stiles replied not skipping a beat as he stared at Jasper.

"Then how?"

"I'm not a Quileute wolf when my kind imprints it's not like finding your mate" Stiles explained as he looked over at Bella, "it's a friendship, maternal, and sibling kind of love you protect them with your life and you have a connection no one else could ever have. My mother imprinted on me while my father was her mate it's totally different for my kind than it is for the wolf shifters that live here."

"This is great" Alice smiled clasping her hands together.

"How could you have imprinted on me I don't even know you" Bella stated, speaking for the first time since she got to the Cullen house.

"I don't have to know you to imprint on you," Stiles said.

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