🐺 (2) Road trip stop 🐺

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"Salvatore Boarding School?"

"Why are we here?"

Stiles climbed out of the Jeep with Malia and Lydia right behind him, "it was on the way to Forks" Stiles shrugged, "and because I miss my baby sister, problem?" he asked making Lydia shake her head and Malia hold her hands up in surrender.

"No problem."

"Yeah, it'll be nice to see my two favorite nieces again" Lydia smiled.

"They're your only nieces," Stiles remarked.

"Whatever" Lydia shot back as they walked through the front doors, "wow, this place has definitely changed."

"Yeah" Malia agreed, "wonder what Stefan would have thought about it now."

Lydia and Stiles shared a look.

When Klaus and Hayley visited Mystic Falls looking for a way to break the hybrid curse and actually make hybrids, Stiles, Lydia, Malia, and Allison went with them during the summer break. Allison took a liking to Tyler while Malia and Stefan had a thing, Stiles wasn't completely sure what that 'thing' was but it left Malia depressed for weeks after they got back home, hell not even Lydia knew what happened between the two.

"I'm sure he would've been proud the Salvatore legacy gets to live on and help people" Stiles spoke up.

"Yeah" Lydia nodded, "you know how Stefan was all hero all the time."

Malia smiled at them glad she had friends, family, and pack like them.

"Hi, can I help you three?" a man asked, who Stiles assumed was Dorian one of the teachers, Caroline and Alaric chose for the school.

"Yeah, do you know where Alaric Saltzman or Hope Mikaelson is?" Stiles asked as he took a step forward.

"Football field, we've got a game."

"Thanks" Stiles replied patting Dorian on the shoulder as he walked passed.

"Wait, I don't think I've seen you three around here before" Dorian called after them obviously expecting them to introduce themselves but Stiles and Lydia kept walking.

"No, you haven't" Malia bluntly stated as she followed them through the side door and out onto the school grounds.

Stiles slowly walked up to the thin white line that separated the bleachers from the field his eyes scanned the countless kids cheering and playing before they settled on the girl playing quarterback a smile lighting up his face.

"Okay, you guys know the play," Alaric said, "go win us a game!" he clapped his hands as everyone scrambled in position.

"GO HOPE!" Stiles yelled.

It was like one of his Aunt Freya's freezing and silencing spells combined the people watching and cheering quickly stopped and everyone besides the opposing team, which was Mystic Falls High snapped their heads up in high alert.

"Stiles?!" Stiles heard both Hope and Alaric exclaim in surprise before the whistle blew and the game started.

"Looks like you caught every supernatural's attention" Malia muttered as she stopped by Stiles' side her arms crossed against her chest as she scouted the area out.

"No kidding" Lydia retorted, "it's like he's a supernatural famous person."

"Technically he is," Malia said.

Stiles didn't say anything, instead, he rolled his eyes and focused his attention on the game.

"Stiles!" Lydia jumped grabbing his arm with almost enough strength to dislocate it.

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