🐺 (7) Maternal pack problems 🐺

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They went to school that morning.

Edward driving Bella while Stiles, Malia, and Lydia tailed behind them in the Jeep. Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice all taking Rosalie's Mercedes-Benz.

Despite Jasper's protests to drive Stiles to make sure he was okay after the whole 'Imprinting on Bella thing' but Stiles just smiled and shook his head as Lydia practically hauled him into the driver's seat. Leaving Emmett to do the same with Jasper except placing him in the backseat because let's face it, Rosalie would probably break somebody before she let them drive her car.

Stiles cut the engine to his Jeep and climbed out, but when he looked to the side all he saw was Lydia's strawberry blonde hair as she disappeared through the school doors making him silently chuckle.

God, that girl loves school and learning.

It's a wonder she managed to hide it for as long as she did.

And when he turned back around grabbing his backpack out of the front seat, Jasper was immediately at his side.

"You know..." Stiles said shutting the door, "it's not like I'm going to faint."

"You collapsed, darling," Jasper reminded him, "I just want to make sure you're alright."

The concern made Stiles softly smile at his mate before reaching his hand out and intertwining their fingers.

"I'm fine."

Stiles lightly pulled Jasper along as they wove their way through the small crowds of students littering the parking lot, Malia absently following as she glanced around not at all interested in actually attending school.

"And who is that?" Stiles questioned stopping to a sudden halt that had Jasper almost falling into him, his chest pressed close to Stiles' back as he caught his mate's line of sight.

"Jacob Black," Jasper stiffly answered, obvious distaste in his tone.

"Werewolf?" Stiles asked even though he could already tell by the smell his vampire half was detesting.


Malia turned her gaze away from the school and back in front of her just in time to stop herself from walking straight into her best friend and new housemate.

"What's happening?" she questioned, "why are you two just standing there?" Malia stepped around them to see Edward and Bella talking to some guy, but she frowned not understanding the sudden silence and tension.

Stiles zoned out his gaze hitting the pavement as he honed in on only his hearing to eavesdrop on the conversation without actually having to be in the conversation.


"Edward, you have to trust me."

"I do trust you," Edward quickly reassured, "it's him I don't trust."

Stiles looked up his senses almost shooting back to their human mode as he watched Bella take the offered helmet and climb onto the back of Jacob's motorbike.

"What the hell is she doing?" Stiles questioned in disbelief. "Does she even know him?" he asked looking back at Jasper who was sifting through Edward's emotions of hurt, jealousy, and extreme worry.

"Yes. He's her best friend, but they haven't spoken in weeks, not since Bella went to Italy to save Edward and show him she was still alive," Jasper explained and Malia's frown deepened.

It was one thing to be pissed off with someone, but a totally different thing to cut all ties with them and then out of the blue come back like nothing ever happened.

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