🐺 (5) Future visions 🐺

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As soon as he got off the roof, Stiles spent the rest of the day being shuffled around the Cullen family. Emmett wanted to talk sports, Rosalie, Alice, and Lydia all wanted him to go shopping with them, Esme spent the whole day cooped up in the kitchen every twenty minutes bringing Stiles a new dish to try. Thank God, Carlisle kept busy in his office and Malia stayed up in her room debating whether to call her dad or her cousin about the completely not thought through plan of her moving towns. And last, but not least Jasper was just happy being anywhere Stiles was and vice versa that was until his phone rang.

"I'll be right back," Stiles said as he got off the couch and made his way to the front door.

"You know we're vampires who can hear you wherever you go, right?" Rosalie remarked.

Stiles pushed the door open before looking back at her, "you know I don't care, right?" he asked giving her a sweet smile as he walked out.

Stiles pushed the door open before looking back at her, "you know I don't care, right?" he asked giving her a sweet smile as he walked out

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"Hey, babygirl-what are you wearing?" Stiles asked cutting himself off when he saw Hope and Josie's faces appear.

"Hey, Stiles" Josie waved.

"I know, right?" Hope agreed, "Lizzie totally bombarded me this morning apparently we have a mandatory trip to the festival happening in town square today."

"Hey, Jo" Stiles absently waved back, "well... you make a very adorable .... sparkling kitten" he managed out making Hope roll her eyes.

"I do, don't I?" she asked her hand coming up to poke at her cat ears.

"And Jo, cute Minnie mouse thing you got going on there with your hair" Stiles added giving her a thumbs up.

"Uh... thanks" Josie replied.

"Where's Liz?" Stiles asked.

"Still getting ready," Josie said.

"Yeah, and she's taking forever" Hope commented with a sigh.

"I'll go check on her" Josie suggested getting a nod from Hope, "bye, Stiles."

"Bye, Jo" Stiles waved, "enjoy the festival" he called after her until she completely disappeared from the video call.

"Okay," Hope turned back her face doing a complete 360, "I heard you found your mate."

"Where the hell did you hear that?" Stiles questioned.

Hope shrugged, "Lydia texted me this morning."

"I'm gonna kill her" Stiles threatened but like always there was no heat to it only annoyance.

"No, you're not" Hope stated, "so, is he cute, tell me everything" she grinned.

"I'm hanging up now, Hope," Stiles said.

"No, you're not," Hope said again this time even surer than the last.

Stiles hit the red end call button but nothing happened, he hit a few more times still nothing, but his sister's giggling told him everything he needed to know, "you spelled my phone."

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