🐺 (3) Arrival into town 🐺

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Two and a half hours later thanks to Stiles subtly breaking the speed limit they were now passing the 'Welcome into Forks' sign.

"So, where exactly is this place?" Lydia asked as Stiles took the first turn off onto a dirt road leading straight into the woods.

"Somewhere around here," Stiles said waving his free hand around.

"In the woods nothing creepy about that" Malia bluntly noted.

"Since when do the woods creep you out?" Stiles remarked, "it's practically your favorite place to run free and avoid people."

"Exactly," Malia said her face breaking out into an excited grin, "I like this place already."

"Okay..." Lydia sounded out before her eyes caught sight of the biggest house she'd ever seen in a small town, "this is the place?" she asked.

"Yeah" Stiles nodded as he pulled into the driveway and cut the engine.

"I thought they were vampires," Lydia said, "what's with all the windows?"

"I thought they were vampires," Lydia said, "what's with all the windows?"

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"They like the light, I guess" Stiles shrugged.

"Don't they burn?" Malia asked as they climbed out of the Jeep and collected their bags.

"No, they're cold ones" Lydia stated.

Stiles looked to see Malia's face scrunched up in utter confusion making him chuckle, "they sparkle like diamonds instead of burning to ash."

"Oh, okay" Malia hesitantly nodded, "why?"

"Different type of vamp, different legends and origins, who really knows?" Stiles rhetorically asked as they reached the front door and pressed the small doorbell button in.

The door swung open to reveal two people one was definitely Carlisle with his white-blonde hair and golden colored eyes while the other was his wife Esme she had long dark brown hair and the same golden eyes each with a smile lighting up their faces.

The door swung open to reveal two people one was definitely Carlisle with his white-blonde hair and golden colored eyes while the other was his wife Esme she had long dark brown hair and the same golden eyes each with a smile lighting up their faces

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"Stiles, it's good to see you again" Carlisle greeted while Esme went straight for the hug grabbing Stiles by the arm and pulling him forward into her motherly embrace.

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