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It was the middle of the night, the sky was ink-black, the full moon looming over from the vast sky and faintly illuminating the grounds below. Everyone was asleep at a camp somewhere in America while two male spoke to each other through an Irish Message in hushed voices from across the country, the other somewhere at rural Scotland in a castle.

"Is this really the best idea to have two complete opposite beings come together?" the man's voice was slightly dazed as if he was deep in thought. "We can't afford to have a war between us, Albus."

Albus, a tall and thin man, hair the colour of shimmering silver, and wearing a half-moon spectacles, replied with an awfully mischievous tone, "I am sure there is nothing to worry about, old friend." The other man looked at him with a doubtful expression, his eyes telling thousands of thoughts that were running through his head. "Oh, do not be so worried about it, Chiron. I will guarantee that this would be a good opportunity for both of our worlds."

Chiron, the old centaur with dark-brown hair, and his lower half the body of a white stallion, gave a sigh in return. "Very well, then. I will try to arrange a party that will include each child from each god and goddess to Hogwarts as much as I can. They will arrive at the start of your school term."

"Splendid. I will be here with open arms, waiting for your party. And I will also cast a powerful charm to protect the castle from many creatures lurking around the school ground," the wizard answered the unsaid question that Chiron was inquiring.

"However, may I have one small request?" the centaur asked the wizard with a pleading look that surprised the other.

"It will depend on what you are going to ask for, but very well." Albus looked at Chiron with a curious look and a smile.

"Well you see, I have a student, whom I believe has a step-brother that goes to your school. And my request is to include her to my party."

The old wizard started to ponder for a small moment about the request, stroking his long beard with his hand. After a second or so, he has decided to acknowledge his wish. He smiled before speaking, "I will accept your student to this school. What is her name?"

Chiron beamed at Albus before answering, "Her name is Lian Long."

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