Chapter 12 | 'Dresses & Surprise' |

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It was the following weekend when the three of us, Annabeth, Lily, and I, went on a little trip to Hogsmeade to buy our dresses for the party. The first thing we did was to visit the bank to exchange our money, Lily teaching the different values in each coin. Then we went to a shop we found in the village, full of female students searching for their outfits.

"I guess we would have to make this quick or else everyone's going to buy every dress this shop has," I grumbled under my breath, inclining my head left to right, cracking my neck while stretching my arms in front of me.

"You're not into these things, huh?" Lily pouted at me sadly like a puppy. I bumped my shoulder against hers with a smile.

"Oh, you have no idea," Annabeth muttered, looking through the attire. I sent her a knowing smirk before mimicking her action. There were many types of dresses exhibited in this shop, making it hard to choose from.

"Found anything?" Lily asked from across the aisle of clothes, her head peeking over to watch us. Annabeth let out a 'no' while I shook my head until I spotted a white fabric sticking out between other dresses. I walked towards it and picked up the hanger to reveal a beautiful dress. The outfit was off-shoulder, the sleeves were reaching the elbow widely, there were several layers of white fabric sheeting over one another elegantly and flowed until above the ankle, and the material was covered in floral designs the colours of autumn; yellow, orange, red, and olive green.

"Found it," I declared loudly, smiling widely and showed it to the others. They let out small gasps and grinned, shoving me inside the changing room. I took my time changing, my lips curving slightly as I saw myself in front of the mirror. I opened the curtains and smiled at them. "What do you think?"

"It looks wonderful on you," Lily said, clapping her hands in excitement. Annabeth beamed and gave me a thumbs up and nodded eagerly.

"Thank you, Lily. Now I have found one, let's get into the two of you."

So, one thing I learned from this shopping is that girls do take some time in choosing an outfit for a party. I, myself, was never the kind of person to spend an immense amount of time in picking something, as you know since I found my dress as soon as I started searching for it.

However, my friends took a lot of time finding their own, constantly picking a dress from one another and changing into them to see if it looked good on them.

I think the three of us were in that shop for an hour or so, and when we all finally got one, the next came the shoes. Fortunately, it didn't take as long as the first search and picked up a pair of slippers and heels that matched our outfit.

We exited the shop and I let out a sigh of relief as I draped my arms to Lily's and Annabeth's shoulders. "I'm glad that's over." 

Both of them chuckled as we walked the path of the village and headed towards the carriage to the castle.

"Me too," Annabeth took a big breath and let it out. We hurried inside the compartment and seated ourselves. I gazed through the window to see the view of Hogsmeade, my lips curling to a smile.

"Have you two ever gone to a party before?" The red-headed girl looked at us curiously. I glanced at Annabeth and I saw her awkwardly smile.

"We have. Kind of," My sister answered.

"We haven't gone to a party that isn't, you know, demigod related," I shrugged my shoulders. "Once it was in a school to find another demigod. And the other at Mount Olympus during the winter solstice?" I tried to recall the events.

"Yup," said Annabeth, nodding her head to me.

"So you guys don't have much experience in going to these events?"

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