Chapter 20 | 'Date & Horror' |

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I don't think I've never really paid attention to Lily's roommates because I was too caught up with my readings, studies, and life. Well, here it goes Mary MacDonald, Marlene Price, and Donna Shacklebolt. The only conversation we had was just greeting each other when I was talking to Lily. However, Marlene and Donna went back to their home because of the Christmas holiday, but, once Lily and Mary heard about my date with Sirius, they instantly brought me to the sixth year girl's dormitory.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked while Mary put on some lip gloss on my lips. I evened out the colour and looked myself in the mirror. Somehow I persuaded the four of them to listen to my suggestions, which were jeans, a white long-sleeved shirt, beige coloured trench coat, and of course, combat boots.

"It is," Lily said with an excited smile.

Sighing heavily, I put on my boot and trenchcoat. I brought a fingerless glove out of my coat's pocket and pulled it over my fingers.

"How could you not like these things?" Mary frowned slightly.

Crossing my arms, I tilted my head towards her and replied, "Because I'm not like you. I'm more of a girl whose nose is stuck on a book, but also knows how to break every bone of a human body while naming them, and also decapitated a head in my life."

All of them took a step back while looking at me with evident fear. Smiling at them innocently and slung my purse. "Okay," I drew out, "I'm very grateful for you guys dressing me up, and I'll make sure to tell you guys every detail of the date."

"Have a great time, Lian," Lily crossed the space and gave me a light hug.

I smiled and returned the hug, "Thanks."

I pulled away and opened the door and exited the dorm. Tucking my hands to my pockets, I descended the stairs. I stared at Sirius midway, he was wearing black jeans with a white shirt and a black leather jacket. 

And gods was he looking attractive.

He was talking with his friends, not aware of my presence. I took a deep breath and went down the rest of the stairs, walking up to him and slapped his arm with the back of my hand.

He turned around and smiled, a surprise was written on his face. "Lian," He said, "I didn't expect you to let the girls do anything to you, really."

"Me neither," I answered truthfully. "And I didn't exactly like the process of it." I gestured to my make up.

"Either way, you look ravishing."

The comment earned sneers from his friends. Sirius gave them a middle finger at them with a hard glare. Despite his actions to his friends, I blushed nonetheless by the compliment Sirius gave me.

"Thank you." My eyes widened when I heard giggling and squeals behind me. I checked the area behind me and saw Lily and the others fangirling from not so far away. I gave them an incredulous look, which caused the giggles to erupt much louder. Shaking my head from exasperation, I asked my date, "Ready?"

"Huh?" He said unintelligently, looking unsure for the first time. "Oh, right. I'm ready."

"Good," I replied, linking our hands and headed to the portrait to escape the fangirling and the teasing from our friends. Stepping out of the room, I cast one last glance behind me and let out a huff. "Gods, they make such a big deal," Muttering under my breath, I scanned my surroundings.

"Well, you are going on a date with the most handsome guy in Hogwarts." He smirked down at me.

Unimpressed, my lips became a firm line. "Get your narcissistic self out of here, or else I'll make sure I hit you with my book."

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