Chapter 6 | 'Nightmares & Concerns' |

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I was in the middle of a forest.

The winds were harsh and the air was cold as a winter day. The sun was just setting, the gaps from the trees were blazing with a bright light that made my eyes hurt. I shielded the sunlight with my hand and looked around my surroundings to see no sign of life, an eerie silence falling over the place.

Then suddenly, there were sounds coming from somewhere behind me. Voices.

I turned toward the source of the noise and squinted my eyes to see if I can catch anything that is causing the commotion. Shrieks echoed as birds flew away from the branches they were perched on. Everything gleamed with malice.

I caught my breath when I spotted shadows moving rapidly in my direction. They were men wearing heavy Roman armours, riding horses that galloped steadily with deadliness. As I got a clearer view, I saw that at the very front, a man was leading the armies, and from what I can see, the man had many lumps and swellings on his face and perhaps around his body as well, he appeared as if he was stung by menacing bees, except that the scars that were left were much more uglier-looking.

One of the men shouted and pointed at me. Their already fast-running horses seemed to raise their speeds and darted towards me. My body was petrified from fear and kept on watching the steadily approaching armies of men while my heart pounded violently against my chest. Just as they were fully in view, did my body's numbness wear off and started to bolt directly away from them.

My legs were starting to ache and my lungs burned. The trees passed around me in a blur as I ran as fast as I could, away from the soldiers that were still chasing after me. Then suddenly, I let out a cry of pain and fell to my knees. I inhaled sharply when I saw an arrow plunged into my shoulder. I gritted my teeth and tried to get up on my feet again when the chasers were merely in front of me.

I looked up to see the swollen man holding a bow and arrow. He grasped the string between his fingers and pulled back. The man's lips curled into a cruel smile and his eyes were full of wickedness as he released his hold. The arrow thrust straight through the air and into my heart. My hands clutched my chest and I breathed unevenly. I felt blood seeping through my clothes and trickled down to my arm.

The last thing I saw was the scorching sunlight hitting the men, laughing in delight as I crashed into darkness.

I woke with a start, sitting up while cold sweat trailed down my face as I cast a quick look around to see that I was on my bed in the girl's dormitory. Opening the curtains, I peeked towards my sister,  Annabeth and squinted my eyes through the darkness. I sighed in relief when saw her sleeping peacefully. Small snores were heard around the room, but all I could hear was the blood rushing in my ears.

I closed my eyes to calm down my nerves, but all I could think of was the barbaric smile of that swelling, ugly man. When I finally soothed down, I let my eyes open and laid my head once again on the pillow. I stared at the ceiling above me, waiting for sleep to come over me. Yet my brain had other ideas as questions and thoughts ran around my head that actually started to hurt.

Knowing from being a demigod, dreams and nightmares tend to have important meanings, indicating the threats and dangers that would happen in the nearer future. Even though I had nightmares my entire life, this particular dream was one of the most terrifying ones I have ever had.

I groaned in annoyance, knowing that I will probably be staying awake for the rest of the night, tossing around.


The next morning was quite horrible, to say the least. I couldn't seem to concentrate on anything except for my bizarre dream. So, I got ready for breakfast; it was still early and I doubt there are a lot of students eating downstairs, but at least I can make an attempt at distracting myself by doing something. I was tired of staying in one position for hours in the bed, feeling shaken by the dream.

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